среда, 24. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is necessary twenty years
for overnight success."

"Potrebno je dvadeset godina
za uspeh preko noći." (Eddie Cantor)

уторак, 23. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"A woman who
doesn't ask for anything...
deserves everything." (Unknown)

Is this exactly?

"Žena koja
ne traži ništa....
zaslužuje sve."

Da li je to tačno?

понедељак, 22. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"It's hard to be alone,
of that is only difficult when are two own."

"Teško je biti sam,
od toga je jedino teže kad su dvoje sami." (Duško Radović)

недеља, 21. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"The two most important days
in your life are
the day you are born,
and the day you find out ,WHY"  (Mark Twain)

Gold - Wisdom

"It is better to go at the head of sheep a lion,
than to go in front of lions, a sheep."

"Bolje je da na čelu ovaca ide lav,
nego da ispred lavova ide ovca." (Defo)

субота, 20. јул 2013.

петак, 19. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"Action is the main key
 for all business successes."

"Akcija je glavni ključ
za sve poslovne uspehe." (Pablo Pikaso)

четвртак, 18. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"I am successful
because, I always listen good advice,
 and then I do precisely the opposite."

"Uspešan sam
zato jer, uvek poslušam dobar savet
i onda učinim upravo suprotno." (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

среда, 17. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"No person deserves your tears,
and who deserves it will not make you cry."

"Nijedna osoba ne zaslužuje tvoje suze,
a ona koja ih zaslužuje neće te nikada rasplakati." (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Gold - Wisdom

"Act with Kindness,
speak with Truth,
share with Love,
THE WORLD IS YOURS." (Anthony Douglas Williams)

Gold - Wisdom

"Teško onom koji mora
nekog drugog da unizi,
da bi se on sam izdigao
ili bolje rečeno da bi imao
iluziju da se izdigao." (Ivo Andrić)

Gold - Wisdom

"It's never too late
to be what you might have been." (George Eliot)

"Nikad nije kasno
da budeš ono što možeš biti."

уторак, 16. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"There is only success,
and that is to live the way as you want."

"Postoji samo jedan uspeh,
a to je da živite onako kako želite." (Christopher Morley)

недеља, 14. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"There is only one way to avoid criticism:
Do nothing,
Say nothing,
and Be nothing." (Aristotle)

"Postoji samo jedan način da se izbegne kritika:
ne radi ništa,
ne govori ništa
i budi ništa."

субота, 13. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"I believe that if life gives you lemons,
you should make lemonade...
and try to find somebody whose life
 has given wodka,
and have a party." (Ron White)


Learning English

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to exchange language conversation.
Only for learning English.
e-mail: cijaka@hotmail.com

Gold - Wisdom

"I do not know what is the formula for success,
but the formula for failure is trying to please others."

"Ne znam koja je formula za uspeh,
ali formula za neuspeh je pokušavanje da udovoljite drugima." (Bil Kozbi)

петак, 12. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"Success is getting what you want.
Happiness is to want what you get."

"Uspeh je dobiti ono što želite.
Sreća je želeti ono što dobijete." (Dejl Karnegi)

четвртак, 11. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"Sometimes you face difficulties,
not because you're doing something wrong,
but because you're doing something right."  (Joel Osteen)

"Ponekad se suočavate sa teškoćama
ne zato što radite nešto pogrešno,
već zato što radite nešto dobro." 

среда, 10. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want,
you're eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time
dealing with a life you don't want." (Kevin NGO)

"Ako ne nađete vremena da radite na stvaranju života koji želite,
na kraju ćete biti primorani da potrošite mnogo vremena
baveći se životom koji ne želite."

уторак, 9. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"The difference between stupidity and genius
is in it what genius has its limits."

"Razlika između gluposti i genijalnosti
je u tome što genijalnost ima svoje granice." (Albert Einstein)

понедељак, 8. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"There is always flowers
for those who want to see it."

"Uvek ima cveća
za onog ko želi da ga vidi." (Anri Matis)

недеља, 7. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"Just because
you don't have a prince,
doesn't mean you're not a princess."  (Zayn Malik)

"Samo zato
 što nemaš princa,
ne znači da nisi princeza." 

субота, 6. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"Turn themselves to the Sun
and the shadows will remain behind you."

"Okrenite se prema Suncu
i senke će ostati iza vas''  (Šarlot Viton)

петак, 5. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"Be helpful.
When you see a person without smile
give them yours."  (Zig Ziglar)

"Budi od pomoći.
Kada vidiš osobu bez osmeha
daj joj svoj"

четвртак, 4. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"A successful man is the one
 who knows how to lay a solid foundation
with bricks that others have thrown at him."

"Uspešan je onaj čovek
koji ume da postavi čvrst temelj
od cigala koje su drugi bacali na njega."  (Dejvid Brinkli)

среда, 3. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"The secret of business success is not in it
whom you know but what you know."

"Tajna poslovnog uspeha nije u tome
koga znaš već šta znaš"  (The Wall Street Journal)

уторак, 2. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"There is those what cry, because roses have thorns.
You're the happy, because thorns, has roses."

"Ima ih što plaču što ruže imaju trnje.
Ti se veseli što trnje ima ruže."  (Konfučije)

понедељак, 1. јул 2013.

Gold - Wisdom

"The privilege of lifetime
being who you are." (Joseph Cambell)

"Privilegija života
biti ko si."