"Having time to work - that is the price of success.
Having time to think - this is the source of power.
Having time to play - that is the secret of youth.
Having time to read - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Have time for friends - it's time lucky.
Have time for dreaming - that is the way the stars.
Having time to love and be loved - it is privilege of the gods.
Having time to look around - it is too short day for selfishness.
Having time to laugh - it is the mucis of the soul."
"Imaj vremena za rad - to je cena uspeha.
Imaj vremena za razmišljanje -- to je izvor moći.
Imaj vremena za igru - to je tajna mladosti.
Imaj vremena za čitanje - to je osnova mudrosti.
Imaj vrenena za prijateljstva - to je put sreće.
Imaj vremena za sanjarenje - to je put ka zvezdama.
Imaj vremena da voliš i da te vole - to je privilegija bogova.
Imaj vremena da gledaš oko sebe - suviše je kratak dan za sebičnost.
imaj vremena za smeh - to je muzika duše." (Irska izreka)