The Doctor Fish, as it is called, or Garra Rufa Fish is a tiny fish discovered in the town of Kangal in Turkey, which removes with a gentle touch (as it has no teeth), all dead cells from your feet, while secreting the enzyme diathanol, a substance that comtributers highly to skin regeneration.
The Garra Rufa Spa treatment is a widespread, around the world, method of skin care.
Riba doktor ili Garra Rufa, malecka riba koja je otkrivena u Kangalu u Turskoj, otklanja izumrle ćelije sa vaših stopala samo svojim nežnim dodirom (jer nema zube i ne može da vas povredi), istovremeno luči enzim diatanol koji u velikoj meri doprinosi regeneraciji kože.
Garra Rufa Spa tretman je rasprostranjen i poznat širom sveta kao tretman za negu kože.