четвртак, 30. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Think again before you give, twice before reseiving, a thousand times before to demand they." (Servantes)

"Promisli jedanput pre nego što daješ, dvaput pre nego što primaš, hiljadu puta pre nego što to zahtevaš."

четвртак, 23. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Best use of the word is completely silent." (Tagore)

"Najbolja upotreba reči je potpuno ćutanje." (Tagore)

понедељак, 20. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"He who know not and does not knows that, is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not, is a child - teach him
He who knows and knows not be knows, is sleeping - wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows, is wise - follow him." (Konfucije)

"Onaj ko ne zna da ne zna, budala je - kloni ga se.
Onaj ko ne zna i zna da ne zna, dete je - nauči ga.
Onaj ko zna i ne zna da zna, spava - probudi ga.
Onaj ko zna i zna da zna, mudar je - sledi ga." (Konfucije)

среда, 15. август 2012.


Gold - Wisdom

"Having time to work - that is the price of success.
Having time to think - this is the source of power.
Having time to play - that is the secret of youth.
Having time to read - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Have time for friends - it's time lucky.
Have time for dreaming - that is the way the stars.
Having time to love and be loved - it is privilege of the gods.
Having time to look around - it is too short day for selfishness.
Having time to laugh - it is the mucis of the soul."  (Irska izreka)

"Imaj vremena za rad - to je cena uspeha.
Imaj vremena za razmišljanje -- to je izvor moći.
Imaj vremena za igru - to je tajna mladosti.
Imaj vremena za čitanje - to je osnova mudrosti.
Imaj vrenena za prijateljstva - to je put sreće.
Imaj vremena za sanjarenje - to je put ka zvezdama.
Imaj vremena da voliš i da te vole - to je privilegija bogova.
Imaj vremena da gledaš oko sebe - suviše je kratak dan za sebičnost.
imaj vremena za smeh - to je muzika duše."  (Irska izreka)

петак, 10. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Every is great success a triumph of persistence."  (Sigmund Graf)


"Svaki je veliki uspeh trijumf upornosti." (Sigmund Graf )

Gold - Wisdom

"Two things a man must have to succeed in life. The first is happiness: it is when the man provide opportunity. The second is the mind: it allows a man to exploit this opportunity."  ( Avganistanska narodna izreka)


"Dve stvari čovek mora imati da bi uspeo u životu. Prvo je sreća: to je ono kad se čoveku pruži povoljna prilika. Drugo je pamet: ona čoveku omogućuje da iskoristi povoljnu priliku." (Avganistanska narodna izreka)

четвртак, 9. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Friends are those who are waiting for an answer when they ask you how are you." (Nepoznat autor)

"Prijatelji su oni koji čekaju odgovor kad vas pitaju kako ste." (Nepoznat autor)

Gold - Wisdom

"Sloths are not only those who do not work, but those who do and can do better." (Sokrat)

"Lenjivci nisu samo oni koji ne rade, već i oni koji rade , a mogu bolje." (Sokrat)

среда, 8. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A man has as many years, how he feels, and woman has as it looks." (I. Bergman)

"Muškarac ima onoliko godina kako se oseća, a žena onoliko kako izgleda." (I. Bergman)

Gold - Wisdom

"The hardest problems men create a strong woman." (Gvareski)

"Najteže probleme muškarcima stvaraju jake žene" (Gvareski)

уторак, 7. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Athletes of the highest class should take three steps before they ascend to the top: the first work, the second work, and the the third work. (Pavo Nurmi)


"Sportista najviše klase treba proći tri stepenice pre nego što se uspne na vrh:  prvo rad, drugo rad i treće rad." (Pavo Nurmi)

Gold - Wisdom

"Deft is the man who uses well what he knows; capable can do something, a deft it makes. (Volter)


"Spretan je onaj čovek koji se dobro okorišćuje onim što zna; sposoban može nešto, a spretan to čini."(Volter)

понедељак, 6. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Conjugal  love creates humanity, frendly by improving, but the unbridled love corrupts and degrades it." (Bekon)


"Bračna ljubav stvara čovečanstvo, prijateljska ga usavršava, ali razuzdana ljubav kvari ga i  ponižava." (Bekon)

Gold - Wisdom

"Buy a dog, because this is the only way to get money for love." (Marian Eli)

"Kupi psa, jer je to jedini način da za novac dobiješ ljubav." (Mrian Eli)

недеља, 5. август 2012.

субота, 4. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The experience was without a doubt, the best teacher of life, but the tuition is very high." (Sagan)


"Iskustvo je bez sumnje, najbolja učiteljica života, ali je školarina veoma visoka." (Sagan)

Gold - Wisdom

"By making a deep bow to someone, they always turn their back on someone else." (Galijani)


"Praveći nekome duboki naklon, uvek se okrenu leđa nekom drugom" (Galijani)

петак, 3. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The most important result of all education is to introduce myuself." (Sagan)


"Najvažniji rezultat svakog obrazovanja jeste upoznavanje samog sebe."  (Sagan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Noting other people's mistakes one can easily fix their own." (Haksli)


"Zapažajući tuđe greške čovek lakše može da ispravi svoje."(Haksli)

Gold - Wisdom

"Years, the wise man do not create, produce only the elderly." (An- Sofi-Svečin)


"Godine ne stvaraju mudrace, stvaraju samo starce." (An- Sofi -Svečin)

четвртак, 2. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Bread to eat - no sleight.
Bread oven - is a small sleight.
Earn bread - that is the beggest sleight."  ( Rolan)


"Hleb jesti - nije majstorija.
Hleb peći - mala je majstorija
Hleb zaraditi - to je najveća majstorija " (Rolan)

Gold - Wisdom

"We are so accustomed to the noise that disturbs our only silence." (Moravija)


"Mi smo toliko navikli na buku da nas uznemiruje samo tišina." (Moravija)

Gold - Wisdom

"The first is the wisdom in life be able to satisfy ourselves and tame our own desires.' (Alearlo Aleardi)


"Prva je mudrost u životu umeti sebe zadovoljiti i ukrotiti vlastite želje." (Alearlo Aleardi)

среда, 1. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Administration is a place where people arrive late, they meet on the steps of those who leave too soon." (Kurtlen)

"Administracija je mesto gde ljudi koji zakasne susreću na stepenicama one koji prerano odlaze."  (Kurtlen)

Gold - Wisdom

"The truth is not in the facts, but according to the facts."  (Tagore)

"Istina se ne nalazi u činjenicama, već u skladu između činjenica." (Tagore)

Gold - Wisdom

"What is true at one time to another time error." (Monteskije)

"Ono što je istina u jedno vreme u drugo je vreme zabluda." (Monteskije)