уторак, 31. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It's easy to think, it is hard work.: Work as it is difficult to think of everthing in the world' (Gete)

"Lako je misliti, teško je raditi: Raditi onako kako se misli teže je od svega na svetu. " (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Children and clocks may not always be cheering. We should let them in and go.   (Zošćenko)

"Deca i časovnici ne smeju neprestano da se navijaju. Valja ih pustiti i da idu." (Zošćenko)

понедељак, 30. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Nowadays, women and drink are so expensive that a man could hardly keep the money for entertainment." (Kišon)

"U današnje vreme žene i piće su toliko skupi da čoveku jedva ostane koja para za zabavu." (Kišon)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman is able to live the days of a single compliment." (Morgan)

"Žena je u stanju da danima živi od jednog jedinog komplimenta." (Morgan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman sometimes are silent... But this does not then you have nothing to say." (Pol Sudej)

"Žene ponekad i ćute... Ali to nipošto nije onda kad nemaju šta reći." (Pol Sudej)

петак, 27. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"May way of joking compaction is to tell the truth. This is the funniest joke in the world."  (Dž.B. Šo)

"Moj način zbijanja šale je da kažem istinu. To je najsmešnija šala na svetu." (Dž. B. Šo)

Gold - Wisdom

"Tell me who you hand out, so I'll tell you who you are." (Gete)

"Reci mi s kim se družiš, pa ću ti reći ko si." (Gete)

четвртак, 26. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The surest sign that one is born with great virtue, if he was born without a sense of envy." ( La Rošfuko)

"Najsigurniji je znak da je neko rođen s velikim vrlinama ako je rođen bez osećaja zavisti." (La Rošfuko) 

Gold - Wisdom

"To help people left me alone, more importants to hide the value, rather than their weaknesses." (Karlajn)

"Da bi vas ljudi ostavili na miru, važnije je da skrivate svoju vrednost, nego svoje mane." (Karlajn)

среда, 25. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The past is covered with a black veil, a rosy future. This is because the first experience noted, and another hopes. ( Leonov)

"Prošlost je prekrivena crnom koprenom, a budućnost ružičastom. To je zbog toga što je prvu istaklo iskustvo, a drugu nada." (Leonov)

Gold - Wisdom

"When we all feel the samme way, meaning that no one thinks very much." (Lipman)

"Kad svi isto misle, znači da niko ne misli mnogo." (Lipman)

уторак, 24. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"We ll have a decisive moments. In these crucial moments revealed our character. We become heroes or cowards; we become truth or lying; move forward or backward." ( Robert Kiyosaki)

"Svi imamo odlučujuće trenutke. U tim presudnim momentima otkriva se naš karakter. Postajemo heroji ili kukavice; postajemo iskreni ili lažljiivi; idemo napred ili nazad." (Robert Kiyosaki)

Gold - Wisdom

"No such nonsence that it is not pronounced some - a philosopher." (Ale)

"Nema takve besmislice koju već nije izmislio neki - filozof." (Ale)

понедељак, 23. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The spirit of a language is most clearly reflected in his words that are impossible to translate." (Man)
"Duh nekog jezika najjasnije se ogleda u njegovim rečima koje je nemoguće prevesti." (Man)

Gold - Wisdom

"Rarely feel otherness native language so poetical, as when we reach the ears under alien skies." (Gete)
"Retko kad osećamo dragost maternjeg jezika tako zanosno kao kad nam dopre do ušiju ispod tuđeg neba." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Follow your dreams. Step by step and do not look for less, but continue to climb." (A. Bradley)

"Sledi svoje snove. Korak po korak i nemoj tražiti manje, već nastavi da se penješ.." (A. Bradley)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman intellectuals are as tight shoes:: we can not wait rid of them" (Čaplin)

"Žene intelektualke su kao tesne cipele: jedva čekamo da ih se otarsimo" (Čaplin)

недеља, 22. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Writing history is like the loundry - it is therefore offen returns dirtier than it was." (A. Moravija)

"Pisanje istorije liči na servis za pranje rublja - ona se često otuda vraća prljavija nego što je bila." (A. Moravija)

Gold - Wisdom

"Let people think they goverm and you will master  them." (Vilijam Pen)

"Pustite ljude da misle kako vladaju i vladaćete njima." (Vilijam Pen)

субота, 21. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The ideal husband is one who does not drink, not the map, is not turning up for other women, is not agruing, and- it does not." (Ditrih)

"Idealan muž je onaj koji ne pije, ne karta se, ne okreće se za drugim ženama. ne prepire se i - nema ga."

Gold - Wisdom

"Spinster ia a woman who is waiting - and not welcome." (Vajld)

"Usedelica je žena koja čeka - i ne dočeka." (Vajld)

петак, 20. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"When you encounter a man with whom it is worth talking and not talking with him, you lost him.
When you encounter a man with whom it is not worth talking to him and say, you lost the words. The wise man does not lost nether man nor words." (Konfucije)

"Kad naiđeš na čoveka s kojim vredi govoriti i s njim ne govoriš, izgubio si ga.
Kada naiđeš na čoveka s kojim ne vredi govoriti i s njim govoriš izgubio si reči. Mudrac ne gubi ni čoveka ni reči." ( Konfucije)

Gold - Wisdom

"Most unhappy are those people who are bored in it." (Jozef Čapek)

"Najnesrećniji su oni ljudi koji se u sebi dosađuju." (Jozef Čapek)

четвртак, 19. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Ownership interests are always going to run the world. You should not try to stop it. You should try to own their own interests bring people more into line with the interests of decent people." (Batler)

"Sopstveni interesi uvek će da upravljaju svetom. Ne bi trebalo da pokušavamo da to zaustavimo. Trebalo bi da pokušamo da sopstvene interese sopstvenih ljudi dovedemo više u sklad sa interesima pristojnih ljudi." (Batler)

среда, 18. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"He who know not and does not knows that, is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not, is a child - teach him
He who knows and knows not be knows, is sleeping - wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows, is wise - follow him."

"Onaj ko ne zna da ne zna, budala je - kloni ga se.
Onaj ko ne zna i zna da ne zna, dete je - nauči ga.
Onaj ko zna i ne zna da zna, spava - probudi ga.
Onaj ko zna i zna da zna, mudar je - sledi ga." (Konfucije)

уторак, 17. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I dreamed that life should be joy. I woke up and realized that life is effort. I worked and I realized the joy of effort." (R. Tagore)

"Sanjao sam da bi život trebalo da bude radost. Probudio sam se i shvatio da je život napor. Radio sam i uvideo sam da je u naporu radost." (R. Tagore)

недеља, 15. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Having time to work - that is the price of success.
Having time to think - this is the source of power.
Having time to play - that is the secret of youth.
Having time to read - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Have time for friends - it's time lucky.
Have time for dreaming - that is the way the stars.
Having time to love and be loved - it is privilege of the gods.
Having time to look around - it is too short day for selfishness.
Having time to laugh - it is the mucis of the soul."  (Irska izreka)

"Imaj vremena za rad - to je cena uspeha.
Imaj vremena za razmišljanje -- to je izvor moći.
Imaj vremena za igru - to je tajna mladosti.
Imaj vremena za čitanje - to je osnova mudrosti.
Imaj vrenena za prijateljstva - to je put sreće.
Imaj vremena za sanjarenje - to je put ka zvezdama.
Imaj vremena da voliš i da te vole - to je privilegija bogova.
Imaj vremena da gledaš oko sebe - suviše je kratak dan za sebičnost.
imaj vremena za smeh - to je muzika duše."  (Irska izreka)

субота, 14. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Passionate smokers not to smoke in between meals, but eat between smoking." ( Sagan)

"Strasni pušači ne puše izmežu obroka, nego jedu između dva pušenja." (Sagan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Laws are spider webs through which big flies, in which a small catch." (Balzak)

"Zakoni su paučina kroz koju prolaze velike muve, a u koju se hvataju male." (Balzak)

петак, 13. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The ability to think differently today than you thought yesterday was the thing that is different from the dumb clever." (Štrajnbek)
"Sposobnost da danas možeš misliti drugačije nego što si mislio juče je ono po čemu se pametan razlikuje od glupog " (Štajnbek)

Gold - Wisdom

"Not nasty as people make mistakes, but the way in which their own mistakes and forgive." (Rostan)

"Nije gadno što ljudi greše, nego način na koji sami sebi te greške opraštaju." (Rostan)

четвртак, 12. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A collection of anecdotes and maxims of the world's greatest treasure a man, if one first knows of a suitable place to insert into the conversation and if his other ones at the right moment comes to mind." (Gete)

"Zbirka anegdota i maksima za svetskog čoveka je najveće blago, ako one prve ume na prikladnom mestu da ubaci u razgovor i ako mu one druge u pravi čas padnu na pamet." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"The man who persuaded into something against their will still have the same opinion." ( Brian Tracy)

"Čovek koga ubedite u nešto protiv njegove volje i dalje ima isto mišljenje." (Brian Tracy)

среда, 11. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"To live means to dream, to be wise meana a pleasant dream." (Šiler)

"Živeti znači sanjati, biti mudar znači ugodno sanjati." (Šiler)

Gold - Wisdom

"While studying in life of the wise men, fools live through it." (Narodna poslovica)

"Dok mudraci proučavaju život, budale ga prožive." (Narodna poslovica)

уторак, 10. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Desire and love are the wings to great deeds." (Gete)

"Želja i ljubav su krila za velika dela." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

'Sometimes the women were so stupid that they used to be made clever, and now they are so smart to make stupid." (Žarko Petan)
"Nekad su žene bile tako glupe da su se pravile pametnima, a danas su tako pametne da se prave glupima." (Žarko Petan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Inflation is like pregnancy and; when it starts (it needs a little start), no one is can no longer keep." (Buhvald)
"Inflacija vam je kao i trudnoća ; kad počne (a malo joj treba da počne) niko je više ne može zadržti." (Buhvald)

понедељак, 9. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"You are free if your conscience is clear." (Gete)

"Slobodni ste ako vam je savest čista." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Women forget more easily than men, but she is easier to remember and what is forgotten." (A. Kristi)

"Žena zaboravlja lakše nego muškarac, ali se ona i lakše seća onog što je zaboravila." (A. Kristi)

Gold - Wisdom

"Who can control a woman, and one can control the people." ( O. de Balzak)

"Ko može upravljati jednom ženom, može upravljati i jednim narodom" (O. de Balzak)

субота, 7. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"There are many things that we rejected when it should not be afraid that others might pick them." (Vajld)

"Postoji mnogo stvari koje bismo odbacili kada se ne bi bojali da bi ih drugi mogli pokupiti." (Vajld)

Gold - Wisdom

"Marriage is like a mushroom, is it good or poison you notice only when it is too late." (Servantes)

"Brak je nalik na pečurku, da li je dobra ili otrovna primetiš tek kad je kasno." (Servantes)

петак, 6. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A sense of duty is useful in work, but offensive in personal relations." (Bertrand Rusel)

"Osećaj dužnosti koristan je u poslu, ali uvredljiv u ličnim odnosima." (Bertrand Rusel)

Gold - Wisdom

"Still a man spends his money not for the fact that he does not need to be impressed by people do not suffer. (Kej)
"Još uvek čovek troši novac koji nije njegov za stvari koje mu nisu potrebne da bi imponovao ljudima koje ne trpi." (Kej)

четвртак, 5. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Vitality of a man is measured by, among other thing, his ability to forget." (Andrić)

"Životna snaga jednog čoveka meri se, pored ostalog i njegovom sposobnošću zaboravljanja." (Andrić)

Gold - Wisdom

"A mayor problem of our time is that our young people enjoying an unussually large amount of freedom: even those no longer able either to disobey." (Kokto)
"Veliki problem našeg vremena je u tome što naša omladina uživa neobično veliku slobodu: ona čak više nema mogućnosti ni da bude neposlušna." (Kokto)

среда, 4. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Whether you accept or reject woman is always happy as you want." (Saks)

"Bilo da vas odbije ili prihvati žena je uvek srećna što je želite." (Saks)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman is the queen of the world and a slave desires." (Balzak)

"Žena je kraljica sveta i ropkinja želja" (Balzak)

уторак, 3. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Roses need sun, and women love." (Li Tai Po)

"Ružama je potrebno sunce, a ženama ljubav." (Li Tai Po)

Gold - Wisdom

"Why are you always ask whether we are fathers of our children, not ask whether we are children of our fathers." (Štajnbek)
"Zašto stalno lupamo glavu da li smo očevi naše dece, a ne pitamo se da li smo deca naših očeva. "(Štajnbek)

Gold - Wisdom

"Forty years is the age for youth, fifty is the youth of the elderly." (Šolohov)

"Četrdeset godina je starost za mlade ljude, pedeset je mladost za starce." (Šočohov) 

понедељак, 2. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is better to you envy than a pity." (Petrarka)

"Bolje je da ti zavide nego da te sažaljevaju." (Petrarka)

Gold - Wisdom

"Only the stupid brave enough to represent such perfection." (Man)

"Jedino je glupost dovoljno hrabra da se predstavlja kao savršenstvo." (Man)

Gold - Wisdom

"Envy is nothing but hate on others supeority." (Paolo Mantegaza)

"Zavist nije ništa drugo nego mržnja na tuđu superiornost." (Paolo Mantegaza)