"With every thing you missed something you got. With every thing you gain, you lose something." (Kant)
"Sa svakom stvari koju si propustio, nešto si dobio. Sa svakom stvari kojom dobiješ, nešto si izgubio." (Kant)
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not spoken" (Piter Drucker)
"Najvažnija stvar u komunikaciji jeste čuti ono što nije izgovoreno. "(Piter Drucker)
"Measure of success does not consist in whether you can deal with difficult problems, but whether they are the same problems you had last year. (John Foster Dulles)
"Merilo uspeha ne sastoji se u tome da li možete da se nosite sa teškim problemima, već da li su to isti problemi koje ste imali i prošle godine." (John Foster Dulles)
"In any case, it is better to look at life in a play then a play in life." (Branislav Nušić)
"U svakom slučaju, bolje je gledati život u pozorišnom komadu no pozorišni komad u životu."
(Branislav Nušić)
"If we want to build a lasting friendship, you should love your friends about them, not because of us."
(Šarlota Bronte) "Ako hoćemo da izgradimo trajno prijateljstvo, trebalo bi da volimo prijatelje zbog njih, a ne zbog nas."
(Šarlota Bronte)
"It is harder to hide feelings that we have, rather than pretend that we do not feelings. (Stendal)
"Teže je prikrivati osećanja koja imamo, nego glumiti osećanja koja nemamo." (Stendal)
"The archaelogist is best husband any woman can have as she is older, he is more interested in her."
(Agata Kristi)
"Arheolog je najbolji suprug kojeg žena može imati što je ona starija, to se on više zanima za nju." (Agata Kristi)
"Refrain from criticizing even the best intentions, it is easy to hurt people, and to correct them, impossible.
"Uzdržite se od kritikovanja čak i u dobroj nameri, jer raniti ljude lako je, a ispravljati ih, nemoguće."
"Thank goodness the contact is concluded; we must now find a way how we are going to break."
(Karel Čapek)
"Hvala bogu ugovor je sklopljen; sada moramo pronaći način kako ćemo ga kršiti." (Karel Čapek)
"It is unfortunate when a man does not know what he want, and when a disaster does not know what can."
(J. Dučić)
"Velika je nesreća kad čovek ne zna šta hoće, a prava katastrofa kad ne zna šta može." (J. Dučić )
"Man always want to be the first love of a woman. It is their innate vanity. Women are sophisticated: they want to be their last love." (O. Vajld)
"Muškarci uvek žele da budu prva ljubav žene. To je njihova urođena taština. Žene su prefinjenije: one žele da budu njihova poslednja ljubav." (O. Vajld)
"Youth is happy age when a man begins to believe in himself and has not ceased to trust others." ( I. Andrić)
"Mladost je srećno doba u kome čovek počinje da veruje u sebe a još nije prestao da veruje drugima."
(I. Andrić)
"A genius is one who solves the problems that we never knew existed." (Gras)
"Genije je onaj koji rešava probleme za koje uopšte nismo znali da postoje."(Gras)
"If woman ruled the world affairs would ban all weapons - except the language." (K. Tuholski)
"Kad bi žene vladale svetskim poslovima ukinule bi sva oružja - osim jezika." (K. Tuholski)
"Bellieve all older, middle - aged suspect everything, the joung know everything." (Brando)
"Stariji veruje u sve, ljudi srednjih godina sumnjaju u sve a mladi znaju sve."(Brando)
"Women can neither of which make three of them things: a hat, a salad, and a fight." (Saša Gitri)
"Žena može da ni od čega napravi tri stvari: šešir, salatu i svađu."(Saša Gitri)
"Man who makes a mistake and does not correct it right the second error." (Konfucije)
"Čovek koji napravi grešku i ne ispravi je, pravi drugu grešku." (Konfucije)
""Maintly three of people do not understand the law: those who make them, those who implement them and those who suffer because they violated." ( Antun Gustav Matoš)
"Uglavnom tri vrste ljudi ne razume zakone: oni koji ih stvaraju, oni koji ih provode i oni koji trpe jer su ih prekršili." (Antun Gustav Matoš)
"All people can not be rich and famous, but every one can be good." (Konfucije)
"Svi ljudi ne mogu biti bogati i poznati, ali svi mogu biti dobri." ( Konfucije)