четвртак, 31. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Success is always a child of courage." (Volter)

"Uspeh je uvek dete smelosti." ( Volter)

Gold - Wisdom

"The flock, of corse, not good if he is the shepherd of the sheep."  (Gete)

"Za stado, dakako, nije dobro ako mu je pastir ovca" (Gete)

среда, 30. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Make sure you get what you love, because you will usually force you to love what you get." (B. ŠO)

"Pobrinite se da dobijete ono što volite, jer će vas inače prisiliti da volite ono što dobijete." (B. ŠO)

Gold - Wisdom

"It is not enough to have great skills, they need to know the cost to spend." (La Rošvuko)

"Nije dovoljno imati velike sposobnosti, treba ih znati ekonomično trošiti" (La Rošvuko)

уторак, 29. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Good relations we achieve the fastest if we behave as if they already have." (Rasel)

"Dobre odnose postižemo najbrže ako se ponašamo kao da ih već imamo." (Rasel)

Gold - Wisdom

"No one so deaf as those who do not want to hear." (Karajan)

"Niko nije tako gluv kao onaj koji neće da čuje." (Karajan)

понедељак, 28. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Ignorant people have a strange disease, unware of his ignorance." (Rable)

"Neznalice imaju čudnu bolest, nisu svesne svog neznanja." (Rable)

Gold - Wisdom

"Wage is a means of exstending slavery." (Altikor - Ščedrin )

"Plata je sredstvo za produžavanje ropstva" (Altikor- Ščedrin)

недеља, 27. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"First, the mirror Page in your mirror, and then in another." ( Narodna poslovica)

"Prvo se ogledaj u svom ogledalu, pa onda u tuđem." (Narodna poslovica)

Gold - Wisdom

"We can not laught because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh." (Vilijam Džejms)

"Mi se ne smejemo zato što smo srećni. Mi smo srećni jer se smejemo." (Vilijam Džejms)

субота, 26. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"For most people life is like a bad time: Stop and wait to pass." ( London)

"Za većinu ljudi život je kao ružno vreme: Stanu i čekaju da prodje." ( London)

Gold - Wisdom

"With every thing you missed something you got. With every thing you gain, you lose something." (Kant)
"Sa svakom stvari koju si propustio, nešto si dobio. Sa svakom stvari kojom dobiješ, nešto si izgubio." (Kant)

петак, 25. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Many people make mistakes for fear of mistakes." ( G.E. Lesing)

"Mnogi greše iz straha da ne pogreše" ( G.E.Lesing)

Gold - Wisdom

'Life is a comedy to those who thimk, a tragedy to those who feel." ( H. Volful)

"Život je komedija onima koji misle, tragedija onima koji osećaju." (H. Volful)

четвртак, 24. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The future of all flowers are present in the seed." (Kineska izreka)

"Svi cvetovi budućnosti su u semenu sadašnjosti" (Kineska izreka)

Gold - Wisdom

"The life - not to days that have passed, but the ones we remember."(Pjotr Pavlenko)

"Život - to nisu oni dani koji su prošli, već oni koje smo zapamtili." (Pjotr Pavlenko)

среда, 23. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Those who talk a lot are a most discreet people; although many say, never say nothing." (B. Spinoza)

"Brbljivci su najdiskretniji ljudi; iako mnogo govore, nikad ništa ne kažu." (B. Spinoza)

Gold - Wisdom

"Nice is what makes us feel better, while they have no interest." ( I. Kant)

"Lepo je ono što nam godi, a da pri tome nemamo nikakav interes." (I. Kant)

уторак, 22. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The govermment won only one who dares to stoop and take it." (Dostojevski)

"Vlast osvaja samo onaj koji se usudi da se sagne i da je uzme." (Dostojevski)

Gold - Wisdom

'In chess, as in life, we notice their mistakes only when others use them." (Tolstoj)

"U šahu, kao i u životu, primećujemo svoje greške tek onda kada se drugi njima koriste." (Tolstoj)

понедељак, 21. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not spoken" (Piter Drucker)
"Najvažnija stvar u komunikaciji jeste čuti ono što nije izgovoreno. "(Piter Drucker)

Gold - Wisdom

"Measure of success does not consist in whether you can deal with difficult problems, but whether they are the same problems you had last year. (John Foster Dulles)
"Merilo uspeha ne sastoji se u tome da li možete da se nosite sa teškim problemima, već da li su to isti problemi koje ste imali i prošle godine." (John Foster Dulles)

недеља, 20. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Plait wheath is much easier than for him to find a decent head." (Gete)

"Splesti venac mnogo je lakše nego za njega naći dostojnu glavu." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Abuses are the arguments of those who are wrong." (Ruso)
"Psovke su argumenti onih koji nisu u pravu." (Ruso)

субота, 19. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"In any case, it is better to look at life in a play then a play in life." (Branislav Nušić)
"U svakom slučaju, bolje je gledati život u pozorišnom komadu no pozorišni komad u životu."
(Branislav Nušić)

Gold - Wisdom

"Life should not be a novel that happened to us, but a novel of our own making." (Novalis)

"Život ne treba da bude roman koji nam se desio, nego roman koji smo sami stvorili." (Novalis)

петак, 18. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The most dangerous half-truth is that almost always trust the wrong half."  (Hans Krajlshajmer)

"Najopasnije kod poluistina je to što se gotovo uvek veruje pogrešnoj polovini." (Hans Krajlshajmer)

Gold - Wisdom

"If we want to build a lasting friendship, you should love your friends about them, not because of us."
(Šarlota Bronte)
"Ako hoćemo da izgradimo trajno prijateljstvo, trebalo bi da volimo prijatelje zbog njih, a ne zbog nas."
(Šarlota Bronte)

четвртак, 17. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Women were not created to be understood, but to be loved." (Parker)

"Žene nisu stvorene da bi bile shvaćene, već da bi bile voljene."(Parker)

Gold - Wisdom

"It is harder to hide feelings that we have, rather than pretend that we do not feelings. (Stendal)
"Teže je prikrivati osećanja koja imamo, nego glumiti osećanja koja nemamo." (Stendal)

среда, 16. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Biggest winner is the one who knows how to win without fighting." ( Lao Ce)

"Najveći je osvajač onaj koji zna pobediti bez borbe." (Lao Ce )

Gold - Wisdom

"It seems a little odd that others are stealing time are those who have it most." (Ante Dukić)

"Izgleda malo čudno da drugima kradu vreme baš oni koji ga najviše imaju." (Ante Dukić)

уторак, 15. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is strange how little it takes to be happy and even stranger that we often just a bit lacking." ( I. Andrić)

"Čudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo srećni i još čudnije kako često nam baš to malo nedostaje."
(I. Andrić)

Gold - Wisdom

"Grains of sand make mountains, moments make the year a little things all my life." (Ž.B.P. Molijer)

"Zrnca peska čine planine, trenuci čine godine a sitnice ceo život" (Ž.B.P: Molijer)

понедељак, 14. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Be obedient and work on their own." (P. Bak)

"Budi poslušna i radi po svom" (P. Bak)

Gold - Wisdom

"The archaelogist is best husband any woman can have as she is older, he is more interested in her."
(Agata Kristi)
"Arheolog je najbolji suprug kojeg žena može imati što je ona starija, to se on više zanima za nju." (Agata Kristi)

недеља, 13. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"One he wants to improve society, to begin its own." (Arne Garbord)

"Onaj ko želi popraviti društvo, treba da počne od sebe" (Arne Garborg)

Gold - Wisdom

"He keeps his motto: The best rowing elbow." (Grigor Vitez)

"On se drži svoga gesla: Najbolje se laktom vesla." (Grigor Vitez)

субота, 12. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Refrain from criticizing even the best intentions, it is easy to hurt people, and to correct them, impossible.
"Uzdržite se od kritikovanja čak i u dobroj nameri, jer raniti ljude lako je, a ispravljati ih, nemoguće."

Gold - Wisdom

"Thank goodness the contact is concluded; we must now find a way how we are going to break."
(Karel Čapek)
"Hvala bogu ugovor je sklopljen; sada moramo pronaći način kako ćemo ga kršiti." (Karel Čapek)

петак, 11. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is unfortunate when a man does not know what he want, and when a disaster does not know what can."
(J. Dučić)
"Velika je nesreća kad čovek ne zna šta hoće, a prava katastrofa kad ne zna šta može." (J. Dučić )

Gold - Wisdom

"Property is a trap that we believe that we possess, it possess us." ( Balzak)

"Svojina je zamka ono što verujemo da mi posedujemo, to poseduje nas. "(Balzak)

четвртак, 10. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Man always want to be the first love of a woman. It is their innate vanity. Women are sophisticated: they want to be their last love." (O. Vajld)
"Muškarci uvek žele da budu prva ljubav žene. To je njihova urođena taština. Žene su prefinjenije: one žele da budu njihova poslednja ljubav." (O. Vajld)

Gold - Wisdom

"Youth is happy age when a man begins to believe in himself and has not ceased to trust others." ( I. Andrić)
"Mladost je srećno doba u kome čovek počinje da veruje u sebe a još nije prestao da veruje drugima."
(I. Andrić)

среда, 9. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"With politics as with lauguage and spelling: mistakes that everyone makes become the rule." ( Malro )

"Sa politikom je kao i sa jezičkim pravopisom: greške koje svi prave postanu pravilo." ( Malro )

Gold - Wisdom

"There are two ways to elevate a man: and his own skill or stupidity of others." (Babelj)

"Potoje dva načina  da se čovek uzdigne: ili svojom sopstvenom veštinom ili glupošću drugih"(Babelj)

уторак, 8. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A genius is one who solves the problems that we never knew existed." (Gras)
"Genije je onaj koji rešava probleme za koje uopšte nismo znali da postoje."(Gras)

Gold - Wisdom

"The exsperience is just as useful as a lottery ticket after the draw." (Nesin)

"Iskustvo je isto toliko korisno koliko i srećka posle izvlačenja."(Nesin)

понедељак, 7. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"History repeats itself, but each time more and more cosly." (V. Čerčil)

'Istorija se ponavlja, ali svaki put sve više košta." (V. Čerčil)

Gold - Wisdom

"If woman ruled the world affairs would ban all weapons - except the language." (K. Tuholski)
"Kad bi žene vladale svetskim poslovima ukinule bi sva oružja - osim jezika." (K. Tuholski)

недеља, 6. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"If we had to study all the laws we do not have time to violate them. (Gete)

"Kad bismo morali sve zakone proučavati ne bismo imali vremena da ih kršimo" (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Win bad habits can a man just today, not tomorrow." (Konfucije)

"Pobediti loše navike može čovek samo danas, a ne sutra" (Konfucije)

субота, 5. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is know to censor, censor what excites him." (Pover)
"Poznato je da cenzor cenzuriše ono što ga uzbuđuje."(Pover)

Gold - Wisdom

"Bellieve all older, middle - aged suspect everything, the joung know everything." (Brando)
"Stariji veruje u sve, ljudi srednjih godina sumnjaju u sve a mladi znaju sve."(Brando)

петак, 4. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Women can neither of which make three of them things: a hat, a salad, and a fight." (Saša Gitri)
"Žena može da ni od čega napravi tri stvari: šešir, salatu i svađu."(Saša Gitri)

Gold - Wisdom

"Man who makes a mistake and does not correct it right the second error." (Konfucije)
"Čovek koji napravi grešku i ne ispravi je, pravi drugu grešku." (Konfucije)

четвртак, 3. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

""Maintly three of people do not understand the law: those who make them, those who implement them and those who suffer because they violated." ( Antun Gustav Matoš)
"Uglavnom tri vrste ljudi ne razume zakone: oni koji ih stvaraju, oni koji ih provode i oni koji trpe jer su ih prekršili." (Antun Gustav Matoš)

Gold - Wisdom

"Life is drawing in which you can not use the eraser." (Bergman)
"Život je crtanje u kome ne možete da upotrebite gumicu za brisanje." ( Bergman)

среда, 2. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Love is state in which man sees things as they are not. ( F. Niče)
"Ljubav je stanje u kom čovek vidi stvari onakvima kakve one nisu." (F. Niče)

Gold - Wisdom

"All people can not be rich and famous, but every one can be good." (Konfucije)
"Svi ljudi ne mogu biti bogati i poznati, ali svi mogu biti dobri." ( Konfucije)

уторак, 1. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Knowledge is the only instrument of production that  is not subject to diminishing returns." ( Klark)

"Znanje je jedini instrument proizvodnje koji ne podleže opadajućim prinosima ." (Klark)

Gold - Wisdom

"Duty is what we expect from others." (Vajld)

"Dužnost je ono što očekujemo od drugih." (Vajld)
