"I prefer the inscription "No entry" rather than "No exit" ( Stanislav Ježi Lec)
"Više volim natpis "Zabranjen ulaz" nego " Izlaza nema"." (Stanislav Ježi Lec)
"It's not nice what is nice, but is nice what we like."(Italijanska narodna poslovica)
"Nije lepo ono što je lepo, već je lepo ono što nam se sviđa."(Italijanska narodna poslovica)
"Some speak what they know and they know what they say to each."(Rumunska narodna poslovica)
"Jedni govore šta znaju, a jedni znaju šta govore." (Rumunska narodna poslovica)
"Politics, it is an art to take money from the rich and the voices of poor on the prefex that you protect each other."(Perpit)
"Politika, to je veština uzimati od bogatih novac, a od sirotih glasove pod izgovorom, da ćeš štititi jedne od drugih." (Perpit)
"The best thing I can do is to convey the enthusiasm of associates." ( Bill Gates)
"Najbolje što umem da radim jeste da prenosim entuzijazam na saradnike."(Bill Gates)
"Tips are worn as clothing: are not used to like, even if a very good fit." (Vajler)
"Saveti su kao iznošena odela: ne upotrebljavaju se rado čak i ako vrlo dobro pristaju."(Vajler)
" Man can do anything against the old, but it must be fought tooth and nail not to lapse." (Mom)
"Čovek ne može da učini ništa protiv toga što stari, ali se mora svim silama boriti da ne zastari."(Mom)
" Justice without power is impotent, power without justice is tyrannical." (B. Paskal)
" Pravda bez moći je nemoćna, moć bez pravde je tiranska." ( B. Paskal)
"In the order to keep his word, it is best never to give." ( N. Bonaparta)
" Da bismo odžali svoju reč, najbolje je da je nikad ne dajemo."(N. Bonaparta)
"It is argued that women can not keep it a secret. This is not true. The obvious proof of my wife. From it I never heard what she was doing with my money." ( B. Houp)
"Tvrdi se da žene ne mogu da čuvaju tajnu. To nije tačno. Očigledan dokaz je moja žena. Od nje nikad nisam čuo šta radi s mojim novcem."( B. Houp)
" The good administration of justice, the rarest thing in the world are pearls and diamonds."( T. Karlajl)
" Uz dobro pravosuđe, najređe stvari na svetu su biseri i dijamanti." (T. Karlajl)
"It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."(A. Linkoln)
"Bolje je ćutati i biti smatran budalom, nego progovoriti i odstraniti svaku sumnju."(A. Linkoln)
"If you produce something without which people can not , start making money. But if you produce a completely useless item you'll make a fortune." (Gras)
"Ako proizvodite nešto bez čega ljudi ne mogu, zarađivaće te novac.
Ali ako proizvodite potpuno beskoristan predmet napravićete bogatstvo." (Gras)
"Diplomat is a man who paid for it to try to resolve the difficulties to which would never have happened if it was not a diplomat." ( ANONIM)
"Diplomat je čovek koji je plaćen za to da pokuša rešiti teškoće do kojih nikad ne bi došlo da nije bilo diplomata."(ANONIM)
" Real life for most people is eternal compromise between the ideal and the possible."( Bertran Rasel )
"Stvarni život je za većinu ljudi večni kompromis između idealnog i mogućeg"(Bertran Rasel)
I was left without job, if you want to pay a volontary contribution to my current account Jasmina Josic (Jasmina Josić) 160-5100100447676-72 a BANCA INTESA, Belgrade ,Serbia. Thank you very much.
Ostala sam bez posla, ako želite možete dobrovoljni prilog uplatiti na moj tekući račun Jasmina Josić 160-5100100447676-72 kod BANCA INTESA, Beograd , Srbija . Hvala vam puno.
"There should be a law that obliges boring speakers that their lectures are standing on one leg."(Gerhard Branstner)
"Trebalo bi da postoji zakon koji dosadne govornike obavezuje da svoja predavanja drže stojeći na jednoj nozi"(Gerhard Branstner)
" All the battles in life are there to teach us something - including those who lose." (P. Koeljo)
" Sve bitke u životu služe da nas nečemu nauče - uključijući i one koje gubimo."(P. Koeljo)
"If you start a quarrel between past and present, you will see that we have lost the future." ( Čerčil)
"Ako započnemo svađu između prošlosti i sadašnjosti, uvidećemo da smo izgubili budućnost."( Čerčil)
" The work is terribly easy for someone, and another simply awesome." ( O Fišer)
"Rad je za nekoga strašno jednostavan, a za drugoga jednostavno strašan." ( O Fišer)
"In life you will succeed if you strive to have what you really need." (Vernon Howard)
"U životu ćete uspeti samo ako težite da imate ono što vam je zaista potrebno."(Vernon Howard)
"Priroda nam je dala po dva oka i po dva uva, a samo jedan jezik, da bismo mogli više da slušamo, a manje da govorimo, jer se nikad ne može reći toliko mudrosti koliko se može prećutati gluposti" (Kung FU CE)
" Who is willing to do something , finds a way, who will do anything, find excuse" (P. Pikaso)
"Ko hoće nešto da učini, nađe način, ko neće ništa da učini, nađe opravdanje" ( P. Pikaso)
"Smart man, not only to speak but nonsense and does not listen them"(B. Paskal)
"Pametan čovek ne samo da ne govori gluposti nego ih i ne sluša"(B. Paskal)
"The safest way is how you hit a woman's heart, to shoot kneeling."(Daglas Džerald)
"Najsigurniji je način kako ćete pogoditi žensko srce, da gadjate klečeći "(Daglas Džerald)
"In any case respect the woman, because it was your mother." (Frančesko Gveraci)
" U svakom slučaju poštujte ženu, jer je to bila i vaša majka "(Frančesko Gveraci)