понедељак, 31. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"In life you will succeed if you strive to have what you really need." (Vernon Howard)

"U životu ćete uspeti samo ako težite da imate ono što vam je zaista potrebno."(Vernon Howard)

Gold - Wisdom

"Oporezivanje je umetnost da se guska očerupa sa što manje gakanja i sa što više perja." (Resler)

недеља, 30. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

'Do not throw away the old bucket until you convince that the new holds water."

"Nemoj da bacaš staru kantu sve dok se ne uveriš da nova drži vodu." (Mikeš)

субота, 29. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Do not walk ahead of me, I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend." (Albert Camus)

" Ne hodaj ispred mene, možda neću slediti. Ne hodaj iza mene ,možda neću voditi. Hodaj pored mene i budi moj prijatelj" ( Albert Camus)

четвртак, 27. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."  (Conficius)

Verovali ili ne

- Broj svojih cipela pomnožite sa 5, pa rezultat pomnožite sa 20, pa saberete sa 2012 godinom, zatim oduzmete godinu svog rođenja...Dobićete četvorocifreni broj od koga su prve dve cifre - broj cipela koje nosite a druga dva broja  su godine koje imate sada. (Nepoznat autor)

среда, 26. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Wage is a means for extension of slavery."

"Plata je sredstvo za produžavanje ropstva" (Altikor- Ščedrin)

уторак, 25. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"If a woman finds a lover, then it is possible for two reasons: or the sieve of her husband or not."(Likok)

"Ako žena nađe ljubavnika, onda su tu moguća dva razloga: ili je sita svog muža ili nije"(Likok

понедељак, 24. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Having time to work - that is the price of success.
Having time to think - this is the source of power.
Having time to play - that is the secret of youth.
Having time to read - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Have time for friends - it's time lucky.
Have time for dreaming - that is the way the stars.
Having time to love and be loved - it is privilege of the gods.
Having time to look around - it is too short day for selfishness.
Having time to laugh - it is the mucis of the soul."  (Irska izreka)

"Imaj vremena za rad - to je cena uspeha.
Imaj vremena za razmišljanje -- to je izvor moći.
Imaj vremena za igru - to je tajna mladosti.
Imaj vremena za čitanje - to je osnova mudrosti.
Imaj vrenena za prijateljstva - to je put sreće.
Imaj vremena za sanjarenje - to je put ka zvezdama.
Imaj vremena da voliš i da te vole - to je privilegija bogova.
Imaj vremena da gledaš oko sebe - suviše je kratak dan za sebičnost.
imaj vremena za smeh - to je muzika duše."  (Irska izreka)

недеља, 23. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"No one rises so high as the one who knows where it goes"(A.Stendal)

"Niko se ne diže tako visoko kao onaj koji zna kuda ide"(A.Stendal) 

субота, 22. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Fool me once - shame on you
Fool me twice - shame on me either" (Engleska izreka)

"Prevari me jednom - sram te bilo.
Prevari me dvaput - sram me bilo." (Engleska izreka) 

петак, 21. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A pessimist sees a problem in every opportunity, an optimist sees the oportunity in every problem"

"Pesimista vidi problem u svakoj prilici, optimista vidi priliku u svakom problemu." (Vinston Čerčil)

Gold - Wisdom

"If you fall, I'll be there   - Your floor"

"Ako padneš, ja ću biti tamo   - Vaš pod"  (Nepoznat autor)

четвртак, 20. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Before you act, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try. (Ernest Hemingway)

среда, 19. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is difficult to empty bag to stand upright."

"Teško je praznoj vreći stajati uspravno." (Benjamin Franklin) 

понедељак, 17. децембар 2012.

недеља, 16. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I appreciate much more powerful and subtle fragance than money. It harder to evaporate. (M. Morgan)

"Mnogo više cenim jak i fin parfem nego novac. On teže ispari. "(M. Morgan)

субота, 15. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I love you not because of what you are, but because of what I am when I'm with you." (R. Kroft)

"Volim te ne zbog onog što si ti, nego zbog onog što sam ja kada sam s' tobom."( R. Kroft)

петак, 14. децембар 2012.

четвртак, 13. децембар 2012.

среда, 12. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Prompters on stage often saves the situation, in life is always ruin."

"Sufleri na pozornici često spasavaju situaciju, u životu je uvek upropašćuju." ( Branislav Nušić)

Gold - Wisdom

"Yesterday is - History.
Tomorrow is - Mystery.
Today is a  - Gift"

"Juče je - Istorija
Sutra je - Misterija
Danas je - Poklon." (Nepoznat autor)

уторак, 11. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Man makes the money, not the money man"

"Čovek čini novac, a ne novac čoveka." (Narodna poslovica)

понедељак, 10. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

" The future depends on what we do in the present."

"Budućnost zavisi od toga šta radimo u sadašnjosti." (Mahatma Gandhi)

Love, only Love

                                                Ja te volim "ADO"
Bilo je leto,
                Bila je plaža,
                                      Bilo je sunce
Bio je jedan suncobran ali pazite samo jedan i bio je On da On!
Dečko kao iz bajke, lep, zgodan sa neodoljivim osmehom i toplim zelenim očima.
Toliko šarma i toliko lepote, neodoljivo zaista.
Mislim da se to rečima ne može opisati, to treba videti,
 a kad vidiš OH! Ostaje ti u mislima za ceo život!
                                                              Toliko od mene Jaca
                                                                    (26.07.1992. Jasna Čobović)

субота, 8. децембар 2012.

Word by Word

"It is scientifically proven that women are satisfied with the length of 8,5cm, does not matter whether it is Visa, Mastercard or American Express."

"Naučno je dokazano da je žena zadovoljna dužinom od 8,5cm  i sasvim  joj je svejedno da li je to Visa, Mastercard ili American Express." (Nepoznati autor)

петак, 7. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Be a philosopher is not to writing the work, but to live you as a philosopher."

"Biti filozof ne znači pisati dela već živeti kao filozof."  (Timermans)

четвртак, 6. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Don't waste your time with explanations: pepole only hear what they want to hear."

"Ne gubite vreme sa objašnjenjima: ljudi samo čuju ono što žele da čuju" (Paulo Coelho)

среда, 5. децембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Moneys are as guests: come and go."

"Novci su poput gostiju: dođu i prođu." (Madagaskarska narodna poslovica)

понедељак, 3. децембар 2012.

субота, 1. децембар 2012.

Word by Word

"God, give me patience,
but if you can right now! "

"Bože, daj mi strpljenja,
ali ako može odmah!" (Nepoznat autor)

недеља, 25. новембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Half of  the women is unfortunate because there is no what makes unfortunate  the other half."

"Polovina žena je nesrećna jer nema ono što čini nesrećnom onu drugu polovinu."( Bazen)

субота, 24. новембар 2012.

петак, 23. новембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Money is like a women: to preserve him, should you do it, otherwise other will make you happy."(M.G.ibn Zafir)

"Novac je kao žena: da bi ga sačuvao, treba da se baviš njime, inače će usrećiti drugoga"( M.G. ibn Zafir)

петак, 16. новембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Men! Do not judge women per kilogram, that women do not judge per centimeter."

"Muškarci! Ne sudite ženama po kilogramu, da žene ne sude po centimetru." (Nepoznat autor)

понедељак, 12. новембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I never do not leave for tomorrow what I can do the day after tomorrow."

"Ja nikada ne ostavljam za sutra ono što mogu da uradim prekosutra."  (Vajld)

недеља, 11. новембар 2012.


The Doctor Fish, as it is called, or Garra Rufa Fish is a tiny fish discovered in the town of Kangal in Turkey, which removes with a gentle touch (as it has no teeth), all dead cells from your feet, while secreting the enzyme diathanol, a substance that comtributers highly to skin regeneration.

The Garra Rufa Spa treatment is a widespread, around the world, method of skin care.

Riba doktor ili Garra Rufa, malecka riba koja je otkrivena u Kangalu u Turskoj, otklanja izumrle ćelije sa vaših stopala samo svojim nežnim dodirom (jer nema zube i ne može da vas povredi), istovremeno luči enzim diatanol koji u velikoj meri doprinosi regeneraciji kože.

Garra Rufa Spa tretman je rasprostranjen i poznat širom sveta kao tretman za negu kože.

четвртак, 8. новембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Mankind can be divided on the hosts and on the quests."

"Čovečanstvo se može podeliti na domaćine i na goste." (Maks Berbom)

четвртак, 1. новембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new." (Albert Einstein)

"Svaki onaj koji nikada nije napravio grešku, nikada nije pokušao ništa novo." (Albert Ajnštajn)

Gold - Wisdom

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." (Albert Einstein)

"Učite od juče, živite za danas, nadajte se za sutra." (Albert Ajnštajn)

четвртак, 25. октобар 2012.

четвртак, 11. октобар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Is not it time to establish the Society for the Protection of people?" (Marian Ele)

"Zar nije vreme da se osnuje Društvo za zaštitu ljudi?" (Marian Ele)

Gold - Wisdom

"There is no effective cosmetic product, of love." (Belmondo)

"Nema efikasnijeg kozmetičkog preparata od ljubavi." (Belmondo)

четвртак, 4. октобар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Lover is inappropriate man at the appropriate place." (Jozef Hora)

"Ljubavnik je neprikladan čovek na prikladnom mestu." (Jozef Hora)

Gold - Wisdom

"Zdrav i zadovoljan čovek može imati i ovo i ono
Ovo - to je sve ovo, Ada, i aktivnosti na njoj
Ono - to je sve ono drugo
Ono bi moralo da podrazumeva ovo
Ono je lepše uz ovo
Ovo će te osloboditi i odmoriti od onog
Ovo ne moraš - zato je bolje od onog
Dok trošiš ovo - zaboravi na ono
Ovo može svako a ono -  samo ko može
Što više ovog - sve duže onog
Zdravije je gubiti vreme na ovo nego na ono
ono je prošlost - u ovome je budućnost
Onoga ko te je jutros pozvao na ovo
Ti sutra pozovi na ono"   (Duško Radović)

понедељак, 10. септембар 2012.

четвртак, 6. септембар 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Love is like water. If something is not stirred, it rotten as swamp." (Arturo Graf)

"Ljubav je nalik na vodu. Ako je nešto ne uzburka, ona truli kao bara." (Arturo Graf)

четвртак, 30. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Think again before you give, twice before reseiving, a thousand times before to demand they." (Servantes)

"Promisli jedanput pre nego što daješ, dvaput pre nego što primaš, hiljadu puta pre nego što to zahtevaš."

четвртак, 23. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Best use of the word is completely silent." (Tagore)

"Najbolja upotreba reči je potpuno ćutanje." (Tagore)

понедељак, 20. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"He who know not and does not knows that, is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not, is a child - teach him
He who knows and knows not be knows, is sleeping - wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows, is wise - follow him." (Konfucije)

"Onaj ko ne zna da ne zna, budala je - kloni ga se.
Onaj ko ne zna i zna da ne zna, dete je - nauči ga.
Onaj ko zna i ne zna da zna, spava - probudi ga.
Onaj ko zna i zna da zna, mudar je - sledi ga." (Konfucije)

среда, 15. август 2012.


Gold - Wisdom

"Having time to work - that is the price of success.
Having time to think - this is the source of power.
Having time to play - that is the secret of youth.
Having time to read - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Have time for friends - it's time lucky.
Have time for dreaming - that is the way the stars.
Having time to love and be loved - it is privilege of the gods.
Having time to look around - it is too short day for selfishness.
Having time to laugh - it is the mucis of the soul."  (Irska izreka)

"Imaj vremena za rad - to je cena uspeha.
Imaj vremena za razmišljanje -- to je izvor moći.
Imaj vremena za igru - to je tajna mladosti.
Imaj vremena za čitanje - to je osnova mudrosti.
Imaj vrenena za prijateljstva - to je put sreće.
Imaj vremena za sanjarenje - to je put ka zvezdama.
Imaj vremena da voliš i da te vole - to je privilegija bogova.
Imaj vremena da gledaš oko sebe - suviše je kratak dan za sebičnost.
imaj vremena za smeh - to je muzika duše."  (Irska izreka)

петак, 10. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Every is great success a triumph of persistence."  (Sigmund Graf)


"Svaki je veliki uspeh trijumf upornosti." (Sigmund Graf )

Gold - Wisdom

"Two things a man must have to succeed in life. The first is happiness: it is when the man provide opportunity. The second is the mind: it allows a man to exploit this opportunity."  ( Avganistanska narodna izreka)


"Dve stvari čovek mora imati da bi uspeo u životu. Prvo je sreća: to je ono kad se čoveku pruži povoljna prilika. Drugo je pamet: ona čoveku omogućuje da iskoristi povoljnu priliku." (Avganistanska narodna izreka)

четвртак, 9. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Friends are those who are waiting for an answer when they ask you how are you." (Nepoznat autor)

"Prijatelji su oni koji čekaju odgovor kad vas pitaju kako ste." (Nepoznat autor)

Gold - Wisdom

"Sloths are not only those who do not work, but those who do and can do better." (Sokrat)

"Lenjivci nisu samo oni koji ne rade, već i oni koji rade , a mogu bolje." (Sokrat)

среда, 8. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A man has as many years, how he feels, and woman has as it looks." (I. Bergman)

"Muškarac ima onoliko godina kako se oseća, a žena onoliko kako izgleda." (I. Bergman)

Gold - Wisdom

"The hardest problems men create a strong woman." (Gvareski)

"Najteže probleme muškarcima stvaraju jake žene" (Gvareski)

уторак, 7. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Athletes of the highest class should take three steps before they ascend to the top: the first work, the second work, and the the third work. (Pavo Nurmi)


"Sportista najviše klase treba proći tri stepenice pre nego što se uspne na vrh:  prvo rad, drugo rad i treće rad." (Pavo Nurmi)

Gold - Wisdom

"Deft is the man who uses well what he knows; capable can do something, a deft it makes. (Volter)


"Spretan je onaj čovek koji se dobro okorišćuje onim što zna; sposoban može nešto, a spretan to čini."(Volter)

понедељак, 6. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Conjugal  love creates humanity, frendly by improving, but the unbridled love corrupts and degrades it." (Bekon)


"Bračna ljubav stvara čovečanstvo, prijateljska ga usavršava, ali razuzdana ljubav kvari ga i  ponižava." (Bekon)

Gold - Wisdom

"Buy a dog, because this is the only way to get money for love." (Marian Eli)

"Kupi psa, jer je to jedini način da za novac dobiješ ljubav." (Mrian Eli)

недеља, 5. август 2012.

субота, 4. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The experience was without a doubt, the best teacher of life, but the tuition is very high." (Sagan)


"Iskustvo je bez sumnje, najbolja učiteljica života, ali je školarina veoma visoka." (Sagan)

Gold - Wisdom

"By making a deep bow to someone, they always turn their back on someone else." (Galijani)


"Praveći nekome duboki naklon, uvek se okrenu leđa nekom drugom" (Galijani)

петак, 3. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The most important result of all education is to introduce myuself." (Sagan)


"Najvažniji rezultat svakog obrazovanja jeste upoznavanje samog sebe."  (Sagan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Noting other people's mistakes one can easily fix their own." (Haksli)


"Zapažajući tuđe greške čovek lakše može da ispravi svoje."(Haksli)

Gold - Wisdom

"Years, the wise man do not create, produce only the elderly." (An- Sofi-Svečin)


"Godine ne stvaraju mudrace, stvaraju samo starce." (An- Sofi -Svečin)

четвртак, 2. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Bread to eat - no sleight.
Bread oven - is a small sleight.
Earn bread - that is the beggest sleight."  ( Rolan)


"Hleb jesti - nije majstorija.
Hleb peći - mala je majstorija
Hleb zaraditi - to je najveća majstorija " (Rolan)

Gold - Wisdom

"We are so accustomed to the noise that disturbs our only silence." (Moravija)


"Mi smo toliko navikli na buku da nas uznemiruje samo tišina." (Moravija)

Gold - Wisdom

"The first is the wisdom in life be able to satisfy ourselves and tame our own desires.' (Alearlo Aleardi)


"Prva je mudrost u životu umeti sebe zadovoljiti i ukrotiti vlastite želje." (Alearlo Aleardi)

среда, 1. август 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Administration is a place where people arrive late, they meet on the steps of those who leave too soon." (Kurtlen)

"Administracija je mesto gde ljudi koji zakasne susreću na stepenicama one koji prerano odlaze."  (Kurtlen)

Gold - Wisdom

"The truth is not in the facts, but according to the facts."  (Tagore)

"Istina se ne nalazi u činjenicama, već u skladu između činjenica." (Tagore)

Gold - Wisdom

"What is true at one time to another time error." (Monteskije)

"Ono što je istina u jedno vreme u drugo je vreme zabluda." (Monteskije)

уторак, 31. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It's easy to think, it is hard work.: Work as it is difficult to think of everthing in the world' (Gete)

"Lako je misliti, teško je raditi: Raditi onako kako se misli teže je od svega na svetu. " (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Children and clocks may not always be cheering. We should let them in and go.   (Zošćenko)

"Deca i časovnici ne smeju neprestano da se navijaju. Valja ih pustiti i da idu." (Zošćenko)

понедељак, 30. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Nowadays, women and drink are so expensive that a man could hardly keep the money for entertainment." (Kišon)

"U današnje vreme žene i piće su toliko skupi da čoveku jedva ostane koja para za zabavu." (Kišon)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman is able to live the days of a single compliment." (Morgan)

"Žena je u stanju da danima živi od jednog jedinog komplimenta." (Morgan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman sometimes are silent... But this does not then you have nothing to say." (Pol Sudej)

"Žene ponekad i ćute... Ali to nipošto nije onda kad nemaju šta reći." (Pol Sudej)

петак, 27. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"May way of joking compaction is to tell the truth. This is the funniest joke in the world."  (Dž.B. Šo)

"Moj način zbijanja šale je da kažem istinu. To je najsmešnija šala na svetu." (Dž. B. Šo)

Gold - Wisdom

"Tell me who you hand out, so I'll tell you who you are." (Gete)

"Reci mi s kim se družiš, pa ću ti reći ko si." (Gete)

четвртак, 26. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The surest sign that one is born with great virtue, if he was born without a sense of envy." ( La Rošfuko)

"Najsigurniji je znak da je neko rođen s velikim vrlinama ako je rođen bez osećaja zavisti." (La Rošfuko) 

Gold - Wisdom

"To help people left me alone, more importants to hide the value, rather than their weaknesses." (Karlajn)

"Da bi vas ljudi ostavili na miru, važnije je da skrivate svoju vrednost, nego svoje mane." (Karlajn)

среда, 25. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The past is covered with a black veil, a rosy future. This is because the first experience noted, and another hopes. ( Leonov)

"Prošlost je prekrivena crnom koprenom, a budućnost ružičastom. To je zbog toga što je prvu istaklo iskustvo, a drugu nada." (Leonov)

Gold - Wisdom

"When we all feel the samme way, meaning that no one thinks very much." (Lipman)

"Kad svi isto misle, znači da niko ne misli mnogo." (Lipman)

уторак, 24. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"We ll have a decisive moments. In these crucial moments revealed our character. We become heroes or cowards; we become truth or lying; move forward or backward." ( Robert Kiyosaki)

"Svi imamo odlučujuće trenutke. U tim presudnim momentima otkriva se naš karakter. Postajemo heroji ili kukavice; postajemo iskreni ili lažljiivi; idemo napred ili nazad." (Robert Kiyosaki)

Gold - Wisdom

"No such nonsence that it is not pronounced some - a philosopher." (Ale)

"Nema takve besmislice koju već nije izmislio neki - filozof." (Ale)

понедељак, 23. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The spirit of a language is most clearly reflected in his words that are impossible to translate." (Man)
"Duh nekog jezika najjasnije se ogleda u njegovim rečima koje je nemoguće prevesti." (Man)

Gold - Wisdom

"Rarely feel otherness native language so poetical, as when we reach the ears under alien skies." (Gete)
"Retko kad osećamo dragost maternjeg jezika tako zanosno kao kad nam dopre do ušiju ispod tuđeg neba." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Follow your dreams. Step by step and do not look for less, but continue to climb." (A. Bradley)

"Sledi svoje snove. Korak po korak i nemoj tražiti manje, već nastavi da se penješ.." (A. Bradley)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman intellectuals are as tight shoes:: we can not wait rid of them" (Čaplin)

"Žene intelektualke su kao tesne cipele: jedva čekamo da ih se otarsimo" (Čaplin)

недеља, 22. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Writing history is like the loundry - it is therefore offen returns dirtier than it was." (A. Moravija)

"Pisanje istorije liči na servis za pranje rublja - ona se često otuda vraća prljavija nego što je bila." (A. Moravija)

Gold - Wisdom

"Let people think they goverm and you will master  them." (Vilijam Pen)

"Pustite ljude da misle kako vladaju i vladaćete njima." (Vilijam Pen)

субота, 21. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The ideal husband is one who does not drink, not the map, is not turning up for other women, is not agruing, and- it does not." (Ditrih)

"Idealan muž je onaj koji ne pije, ne karta se, ne okreće se za drugim ženama. ne prepire se i - nema ga."

Gold - Wisdom

"Spinster ia a woman who is waiting - and not welcome." (Vajld)

"Usedelica je žena koja čeka - i ne dočeka." (Vajld)

петак, 20. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"When you encounter a man with whom it is worth talking and not talking with him, you lost him.
When you encounter a man with whom it is not worth talking to him and say, you lost the words. The wise man does not lost nether man nor words." (Konfucije)

"Kad naiđeš na čoveka s kojim vredi govoriti i s njim ne govoriš, izgubio si ga.
Kada naiđeš na čoveka s kojim ne vredi govoriti i s njim govoriš izgubio si reči. Mudrac ne gubi ni čoveka ni reči." ( Konfucije)

Gold - Wisdom

"Most unhappy are those people who are bored in it." (Jozef Čapek)

"Najnesrećniji su oni ljudi koji se u sebi dosađuju." (Jozef Čapek)

четвртак, 19. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Ownership interests are always going to run the world. You should not try to stop it. You should try to own their own interests bring people more into line with the interests of decent people." (Batler)

"Sopstveni interesi uvek će da upravljaju svetom. Ne bi trebalo da pokušavamo da to zaustavimo. Trebalo bi da pokušamo da sopstvene interese sopstvenih ljudi dovedemo više u sklad sa interesima pristojnih ljudi." (Batler)

среда, 18. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"He who know not and does not knows that, is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not, is a child - teach him
He who knows and knows not be knows, is sleeping - wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows, is wise - follow him."

"Onaj ko ne zna da ne zna, budala je - kloni ga se.
Onaj ko ne zna i zna da ne zna, dete je - nauči ga.
Onaj ko zna i ne zna da zna, spava - probudi ga.
Onaj ko zna i zna da zna, mudar je - sledi ga." (Konfucije)

уторак, 17. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I dreamed that life should be joy. I woke up and realized that life is effort. I worked and I realized the joy of effort." (R. Tagore)

"Sanjao sam da bi život trebalo da bude radost. Probudio sam se i shvatio da je život napor. Radio sam i uvideo sam da je u naporu radost." (R. Tagore)

недеља, 15. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Having time to work - that is the price of success.
Having time to think - this is the source of power.
Having time to play - that is the secret of youth.
Having time to read - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Have time for friends - it's time lucky.
Have time for dreaming - that is the way the stars.
Having time to love and be loved - it is privilege of the gods.
Having time to look around - it is too short day for selfishness.
Having time to laugh - it is the mucis of the soul."  (Irska izreka)

"Imaj vremena za rad - to je cena uspeha.
Imaj vremena za razmišljanje -- to je izvor moći.
Imaj vremena za igru - to je tajna mladosti.
Imaj vremena za čitanje - to je osnova mudrosti.
Imaj vrenena za prijateljstva - to je put sreće.
Imaj vremena za sanjarenje - to je put ka zvezdama.
Imaj vremena da voliš i da te vole - to je privilegija bogova.
Imaj vremena da gledaš oko sebe - suviše je kratak dan za sebičnost.
imaj vremena za smeh - to je muzika duše."  (Irska izreka)

субота, 14. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Passionate smokers not to smoke in between meals, but eat between smoking." ( Sagan)

"Strasni pušači ne puše izmežu obroka, nego jedu između dva pušenja." (Sagan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Laws are spider webs through which big flies, in which a small catch." (Balzak)

"Zakoni su paučina kroz koju prolaze velike muve, a u koju se hvataju male." (Balzak)

петак, 13. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The ability to think differently today than you thought yesterday was the thing that is different from the dumb clever." (Štrajnbek)
"Sposobnost da danas možeš misliti drugačije nego što si mislio juče je ono po čemu se pametan razlikuje od glupog " (Štajnbek)

Gold - Wisdom

"Not nasty as people make mistakes, but the way in which their own mistakes and forgive." (Rostan)

"Nije gadno što ljudi greše, nego način na koji sami sebi te greške opraštaju." (Rostan)

четвртак, 12. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A collection of anecdotes and maxims of the world's greatest treasure a man, if one first knows of a suitable place to insert into the conversation and if his other ones at the right moment comes to mind." (Gete)

"Zbirka anegdota i maksima za svetskog čoveka je najveće blago, ako one prve ume na prikladnom mestu da ubaci u razgovor i ako mu one druge u pravi čas padnu na pamet." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"The man who persuaded into something against their will still have the same opinion." ( Brian Tracy)

"Čovek koga ubedite u nešto protiv njegove volje i dalje ima isto mišljenje." (Brian Tracy)

среда, 11. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"To live means to dream, to be wise meana a pleasant dream." (Šiler)

"Živeti znači sanjati, biti mudar znači ugodno sanjati." (Šiler)

Gold - Wisdom

"While studying in life of the wise men, fools live through it." (Narodna poslovica)

"Dok mudraci proučavaju život, budale ga prožive." (Narodna poslovica)

уторак, 10. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Desire and love are the wings to great deeds." (Gete)

"Želja i ljubav su krila za velika dela." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

'Sometimes the women were so stupid that they used to be made clever, and now they are so smart to make stupid." (Žarko Petan)
"Nekad su žene bile tako glupe da su se pravile pametnima, a danas su tako pametne da se prave glupima." (Žarko Petan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Inflation is like pregnancy and; when it starts (it needs a little start), no one is can no longer keep." (Buhvald)
"Inflacija vam je kao i trudnoća ; kad počne (a malo joj treba da počne) niko je više ne može zadržti." (Buhvald)

понедељак, 9. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"You are free if your conscience is clear." (Gete)

"Slobodni ste ako vam je savest čista." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Women forget more easily than men, but she is easier to remember and what is forgotten." (A. Kristi)

"Žena zaboravlja lakše nego muškarac, ali se ona i lakše seća onog što je zaboravila." (A. Kristi)

Gold - Wisdom

"Who can control a woman, and one can control the people." ( O. de Balzak)

"Ko može upravljati jednom ženom, može upravljati i jednim narodom" (O. de Balzak)

субота, 7. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"There are many things that we rejected when it should not be afraid that others might pick them." (Vajld)

"Postoji mnogo stvari koje bismo odbacili kada se ne bi bojali da bi ih drugi mogli pokupiti." (Vajld)

Gold - Wisdom

"Marriage is like a mushroom, is it good or poison you notice only when it is too late." (Servantes)

"Brak je nalik na pečurku, da li je dobra ili otrovna primetiš tek kad je kasno." (Servantes)

петак, 6. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A sense of duty is useful in work, but offensive in personal relations." (Bertrand Rusel)

"Osećaj dužnosti koristan je u poslu, ali uvredljiv u ličnim odnosima." (Bertrand Rusel)

Gold - Wisdom

"Still a man spends his money not for the fact that he does not need to be impressed by people do not suffer. (Kej)
"Još uvek čovek troši novac koji nije njegov za stvari koje mu nisu potrebne da bi imponovao ljudima koje ne trpi." (Kej)

четвртак, 5. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Vitality of a man is measured by, among other thing, his ability to forget." (Andrić)

"Životna snaga jednog čoveka meri se, pored ostalog i njegovom sposobnošću zaboravljanja." (Andrić)

Gold - Wisdom

"A mayor problem of our time is that our young people enjoying an unussually large amount of freedom: even those no longer able either to disobey." (Kokto)
"Veliki problem našeg vremena je u tome što naša omladina uživa neobično veliku slobodu: ona čak više nema mogućnosti ni da bude neposlušna." (Kokto)

среда, 4. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Whether you accept or reject woman is always happy as you want." (Saks)

"Bilo da vas odbije ili prihvati žena je uvek srećna što je želite." (Saks)

Gold - Wisdom

"Woman is the queen of the world and a slave desires." (Balzak)

"Žena je kraljica sveta i ropkinja želja" (Balzak)

уторак, 3. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Roses need sun, and women love." (Li Tai Po)

"Ružama je potrebno sunce, a ženama ljubav." (Li Tai Po)

Gold - Wisdom

"Why are you always ask whether we are fathers of our children, not ask whether we are children of our fathers." (Štajnbek)
"Zašto stalno lupamo glavu da li smo očevi naše dece, a ne pitamo se da li smo deca naših očeva. "(Štajnbek)

Gold - Wisdom

"Forty years is the age for youth, fifty is the youth of the elderly." (Šolohov)

"Četrdeset godina je starost za mlade ljude, pedeset je mladost za starce." (Šočohov) 

понедељак, 2. јул 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is better to you envy than a pity." (Petrarka)

"Bolje je da ti zavide nego da te sažaljevaju." (Petrarka)

Gold - Wisdom

"Only the stupid brave enough to represent such perfection." (Man)

"Jedino je glupost dovoljno hrabra da se predstavlja kao savršenstvo." (Man)

Gold - Wisdom

"Envy is nothing but hate on others supeority." (Paolo Mantegaza)

"Zavist nije ništa drugo nego mržnja na tuđu superiornost." (Paolo Mantegaza)

субота, 30. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Some also rushing to his goal, not to notice when they reached the goal." (Sartr)

"Neki tako žure za svojim ciljem, da i ne primete kad su stigli do cilja." (Sartr)

Gold - Wisdom

"Fashion based on the knowledge that the contents of the most beautiful and losses its value if it does not change the packaging." (Moroa)
"Moda počiva na saznanju da i najlepši sadržaj gubi od svoje vrednosti ako se ne menja pakovanje." (Moroa)

петак, 29. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A good fisherman always tries to put a hook in the fish what they love most - and this is good advice for those who want to have successful relationships." (Napoleon Hil)
"Dobar pecaroš uvek se trudi da na udicu stavi ono što ribe najviše vole - a to je i dobar savet za one koji žele  da imaju uspešne međuljudske odnose." (Napoleon Hil)

Gold - Wisdom

"Who himself shows green, it will eat the goats." (Gete)

"Ko sebe prikazuje zelenim, toga će pojesti koze." (Gete)

четвртак, 28. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Socialize with those who will do better." (Seneka)

"Druži se sa onima koji ćete boljim učiniti." (Seneka)

Gold - Wisdom

"In school, never learned how to be unemployed." (A. Moravija)

"U školi nas nikad nisu učili kako da budemo nezaposleni." (A. Moravija)

среда, 27. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Women like winners because the permit to conquer them."  (Novalis)

"Žene vole pobednike zato i dopuštaju da ih osvoje. " (Novalis)

Gold - Wisdom

"Women have less business than man. This is because women do not have the conselors." (Dž. Fonda)

"Žene uglavnom slabije posluju od muškaraca. To je zbog toga što nemaju žene za savetnike." (Dž Fonda)

уторак, 26. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Gold buys the voice of the crowd, but you will not obtain a single heart." (Gete)

"Zlato kupuje glas gomile, ali ti neće pribaviti ni jedno jedino srce." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Less enjoy what we achieved but in what we hope for." (Ruso)

"Manje uživamo u onome što smo postigli nego u onome čemu se nadamo." (Ruso)

понедељак, 25. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"There are only two kinds of people that can not cope: to all those who know and those who do not know anything. (Sartr)
"Postoje samo dve vrste ljudi sa kojima ne mogu da izađem na kraj: to su oni koji sve znaju i oni koji ne znaju ništa." (Sartr)

Gold - Wisdom

"Tell me your company, I shall tell you who you are."  (Gete)

"Reci mi s kim se družiš pa ću ti reći ko si." (Gete)

недеља, 24. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Sometimes money removes the inconvenience but also creates it." (Gras)

"Novac ponekad uklanja neprilike ali ih i stvara.' (Gras)

Gold - Wisdom

"The hand that gives is always above the one who receives." (Didro)

"Ruka koja daje uvek je iznad one koja prima." (Didro)

субота, 23. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Solidarity is the strength of the weak. Loneliness is a strong weakness."(Amandu)

"Solidarnost je snaga slabih. Samoća je slabost jakih." (Amandu)

Gold - Wisdom

"The first one's job is to first introduce himself." (M de Servantes)

"Prvi čovekov zadatak je da najpre upozna samog sebe." ( M de Servantes)

петак, 22. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Flattery is legimate form of corruption. Law does not provide a penalty." (Bodler)

"Laskanje je legalan vid korupcije. Zakon za to ne predviđa kaznu ." (Bodler)

Gold - Wisdom

"In respect to any desire to ask one question what would be the advantage that it can not fulfill." (Epikur)

"U pogledu svake želje treba postaviti jedno pitanje kakva bi bila korist da se ona ne ispuni." (Epikur)

четвртак, 21. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Those who think they are too important to unimportant tasks, they are usually immature really important jobs." (Tati)
"Oni koji misle da su suviše važni za nevažne poslove, obično su nedorasli zaista važnim poslovima." (Tati)

Gold - Wisdom

"Language wise is in heart, the heart of fools is in the language." (Ščedrin)

"Jezik mudraca je u srcu, srce glupana je na jeziku." (Ščedrin)

среда, 20. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Always have free time as you have all the people you want." (Seneka)

"Uvek imam slobodnog vremena kao što ga imaju svi ljudi kad to hoće."(Seneka)

Gold - Wisdom

"Happines is enshrined in a man's character." (Mahabharata)

"Sreća je sadržana u čovekovom karakteru." (Mahabharata)

уторак, 19. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Man - all can, if they want." (Gorki)

"Čovek - sve može, samo ako hoće." (Gorki)

Gold - Wisdom

"The will is a matter of strong, weak desires thing." (Vladan Desnica)

"Volja je stvar jakih, želja stvar slabih." (Vladan Desnica)

понедељак, 18. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Value of the gift is not a measure of the gift; It's value a measure that has for one who recieves a gift." (Kural)
"Vrednost dara nije mera dara; Njegova je mera vrednost koju ima za darivanog." (Kural)

Gold - Wisdom

"Happy is the man who admonishes someone else's fault." (Jan Amos Komenski)

'Srećan je čovek kojeg opominje tuđa greška." (Jan Amos Komenski)

недеља, 17. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Greatest satisfaction is not found in new things, but in the habit." (R. Radigi)

"Najveća zadovoljstva ne nalazimo u novim stvarima, već u navici." (R. Radigi)

Gold - Wisdom

"'Nothing matters except that we do at present." (Tolstoj)

"Ništa nije važno osim toga što radimo u sadašnjem trenutku." (Tolstoj)

субота, 16. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Great people dream big dreams; small people dream small dreams. If you want to change yourself, change the size of their dreams.  (Robert Kiosaki)
"Veliki ljudi sanjaju velike snove; mali ljudi sanjaju male snove. Ako želiš da promeniš sebe, promeni veličinu svojih snova." (Robert Kiosaki)

Gold - Wisdom

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of values." (Albert Ajnštajn)

"Pokušajte da postanete ne čovek uspeha, nego čovek vrednosti." (Albert Ajnštajn)

петак, 15. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Action does not always bring happiness, but it can not be happy without action." (Benjamin Disraeli)

"Akcija ne donosi uvek sreću, ali ne može se biti srećan bez akcije." (Benjamin Disraeli)

Gold - Wisdom

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent pespiration." (Edison)

"Genije je jedan posto nadahnuća i devedeset i devet posto znoja" (Edison)

четвртак, 14. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Money is a big thing that people seem fine" (V. Šekspir)

"Novac je krupna stvar koja ljude čini sitnim." (V. Šekspir)

Gold - Wisdom

"When you have everything, you do not see anything, regain your sight only when you have nothing." (V. Šekspir)
"Kad imaš sve, ne vidiš ništa, progledaš tek kad nemaš ništa"  (V. Šekspir)

среда, 13. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Marriage of convenience is a community of people who can never count on each other." (Alfons Kar)

"Brak iz računa je zajednica ljudi koji nikada ne mogu računati jedno na drugo." (Alfons Kar)

Gold - Wisdom

"Marriage is often a fever right before the conclusion of the anxiety in the beginning of fever, headache later.' (Andras Faj)
"Brak je često prava groznica pre sklapanja je zebnja, u početku temperatura, kasnije glavobolja." (Andras Faj)

уторак, 12. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Measures of mental healt is a tendency to find good in everything." (DŽ.M. Templton)

"Mera mentalnog zdravlja je sklonost pronalaženja dobrog u svemu." ( Dž.M. Templton)

Gold - Wisdom

"A wise man sees as much as they want, not what it can." ( M. Držić)

"Mudar čovek vidi onoliko koliko hoće, a ne koliko može." (M. Držić)

понедељак, 11. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Inspiration exists, but it must find as you work." ( Pablo Pikaso)

"Inspiracija postoji ali vas ona mora zateći dok radite." (Pablo Pikaso)

Gold - Wisdom

"Remain indifferent to the book means to impoverish their lives recklessly." (Ivo Andrić)

"Ostati ravnodušan prema knjizi znači lakomisleno osiromašiti svoj život" (Ivo Andrić)

недеља, 10. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The money that man has, is the weapon of freedom. The money for which a man runs, is the weapon of slavery." (Ž.Ž. Ruso)
"Novac koji čovek ima, jeste oružje slobode. Novac za kojim čovek trči, jeste oružje ropstva." ( Ž:Ž. Ruso)

Gold - Wisdom

"What you say to me - let me be, what you want to me - let you down. (A.S. Gribojedov)

"Što mi veliš - nek mi bude, što mi želiš - nek ti bude." (A. S. Gribojedov)

субота, 9. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Scalding milk, now it blows and the yogurt." (Srpska narodna izreka)

"Opeklo ga mleko pa sad duva i na jogurt." (Srpska narodna izreka)

Gold - Wisdom

"A genius is a man who can accomplish anything but enough money to live." (Panjol)

"Genije je čovek koji može da ostvari sve osim dovoljno sredstava za život." (Panjol)

петак, 8. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Know that we know what we know, and we do not know what we do not know is right knowledge." (Henri David Torej)
"Znati da znamo šta znamo, i da ne znamo šta ne znamo pravo je znanje." (Henri David Torej)

Gold - Wisdom

"People are wise in proportion to their experience, but with his ability to receive experience." (B. ŠO)

"Ljudi nisu mudri u razmeri sa svojim iskustvom, već sa svojom sposobnosti da iskustvo prime." (B. ŠO)

четвртак, 7. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Friends should be kept because of its flaws, the enemy because of his virtues." (R. Kipling)

"Prijatelja se treba čuvati zbog njegovih mana, neprijatelja zbog njegovih vrlina."  (R. Kipling)

Gold - Wisdom

"Do not unto others what you do not want to have others do unto you." (Konfucije)

"Ne čini drugome ono što ne želiš da drugi učine tebi." (Konfucije)

среда, 6. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Never really liked the one who believes that love is fleeting." (Gete)

"Nikada nije stvarno voleo onaj koji smatra da je ljubav prolazna." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Truth which is not pronounced at the right time is worse than lies." (I.S. Turgenjev)

"Istina koja nije izrečena u pravo vreme gora je od laži." (I.S. Turgenjev)

уторак, 5. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Who gets to marry the art, receives criticism of vain." (A. Bačvold)

"Ko se oženi umetnošću, dobija kritiku za taštu." (A. Bačvold)

Gold - Wisdom

"The debts I always broke when I bagan to spend as much money as I told my friends that I make." (A. Gardner)
"U dugove sam upadala uvek kad bih počela da trošim onoliko novca koliko sam prijateljicama govorila da zarađujem." (A. Gardner)

понедељак, 4. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It could be born but brought up the children if the parents werw raised." (Gete)

"Mogla bi se roditi već vaspitana deca ako bi roditelji bili vaspitani." ( Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Man becomes more smarter than other people's stupidity, but of your mind. (Dode)

"Čovek postaje pametniji više od tuđih gluposti, nego od svoje pameti." (Dode)

недеља, 3. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"None of this poetry that could soar to those heights which are reached by love." (R. Tagore)
"Nema te poezije koja bi mogla da se vine do onih visina do kojih dopire ljubav." (R.Tagore)

Gold - Wisdom

"Big heart love, a small looking to be loved."  (R. Tagore)

"Velika srca vole, mala traže da budu voljena." (R. Tagore)

субота, 2. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A pessimist is an optimist with experience." (Dž. B. ŠO)

"Pesimista je optimista sa iskustvom" (Dž. B. ŠO)

Gold - Wisdom

"The hand of kindness is wort more than bags if wisdom" (Buda)

"Više vredi šaka dobrote, nego vreća mudrosti." (Buda)

петак, 1. јун 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Who would himself undressed with all illusions, they would remain without clothes."  (Graf)

"Ko bi s samog sebe svukao sve iluzije, ostao bi go." (Graf)

Gold Wisdom

"About the healing power of hunger is the best thinking after lunch." (Ostrovski)

"O lekovitoj moći gladi najbolje se razmišlja posle ručka." (Ostrovski)

четвртак, 31. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Success is always a child of courage." (Volter)

"Uspeh je uvek dete smelosti." ( Volter)

Gold - Wisdom

"The flock, of corse, not good if he is the shepherd of the sheep."  (Gete)

"Za stado, dakako, nije dobro ako mu je pastir ovca" (Gete)

среда, 30. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Make sure you get what you love, because you will usually force you to love what you get." (B. ŠO)

"Pobrinite se da dobijete ono što volite, jer će vas inače prisiliti da volite ono što dobijete." (B. ŠO)

Gold - Wisdom

"It is not enough to have great skills, they need to know the cost to spend." (La Rošvuko)

"Nije dovoljno imati velike sposobnosti, treba ih znati ekonomično trošiti" (La Rošvuko)

уторак, 29. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Good relations we achieve the fastest if we behave as if they already have." (Rasel)

"Dobre odnose postižemo najbrže ako se ponašamo kao da ih već imamo." (Rasel)

Gold - Wisdom

"No one so deaf as those who do not want to hear." (Karajan)

"Niko nije tako gluv kao onaj koji neće da čuje." (Karajan)

понедељак, 28. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Ignorant people have a strange disease, unware of his ignorance." (Rable)

"Neznalice imaju čudnu bolest, nisu svesne svog neznanja." (Rable)

Gold - Wisdom

"Wage is a means of exstending slavery." (Altikor - Ščedrin )

"Plata je sredstvo za produžavanje ropstva" (Altikor- Ščedrin)

недеља, 27. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"First, the mirror Page in your mirror, and then in another." ( Narodna poslovica)

"Prvo se ogledaj u svom ogledalu, pa onda u tuđem." (Narodna poslovica)

Gold - Wisdom

"We can not laught because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh." (Vilijam Džejms)

"Mi se ne smejemo zato što smo srećni. Mi smo srećni jer se smejemo." (Vilijam Džejms)

субота, 26. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"For most people life is like a bad time: Stop and wait to pass." ( London)

"Za većinu ljudi život je kao ružno vreme: Stanu i čekaju da prodje." ( London)

Gold - Wisdom

"With every thing you missed something you got. With every thing you gain, you lose something." (Kant)
"Sa svakom stvari koju si propustio, nešto si dobio. Sa svakom stvari kojom dobiješ, nešto si izgubio." (Kant)

петак, 25. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Many people make mistakes for fear of mistakes." ( G.E. Lesing)

"Mnogi greše iz straha da ne pogreše" ( G.E.Lesing)

Gold - Wisdom

'Life is a comedy to those who thimk, a tragedy to those who feel." ( H. Volful)

"Život je komedija onima koji misle, tragedija onima koji osećaju." (H. Volful)

четвртак, 24. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The future of all flowers are present in the seed." (Kineska izreka)

"Svi cvetovi budućnosti su u semenu sadašnjosti" (Kineska izreka)

Gold - Wisdom

"The life - not to days that have passed, but the ones we remember."(Pjotr Pavlenko)

"Život - to nisu oni dani koji su prošli, već oni koje smo zapamtili." (Pjotr Pavlenko)

среда, 23. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Those who talk a lot are a most discreet people; although many say, never say nothing." (B. Spinoza)

"Brbljivci su najdiskretniji ljudi; iako mnogo govore, nikad ništa ne kažu." (B. Spinoza)

Gold - Wisdom

"Nice is what makes us feel better, while they have no interest." ( I. Kant)

"Lepo je ono što nam godi, a da pri tome nemamo nikakav interes." (I. Kant)

уторак, 22. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The govermment won only one who dares to stoop and take it." (Dostojevski)

"Vlast osvaja samo onaj koji se usudi da se sagne i da je uzme." (Dostojevski)

Gold - Wisdom

'In chess, as in life, we notice their mistakes only when others use them." (Tolstoj)

"U šahu, kao i u životu, primećujemo svoje greške tek onda kada se drugi njima koriste." (Tolstoj)

понедељак, 21. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not spoken" (Piter Drucker)
"Najvažnija stvar u komunikaciji jeste čuti ono što nije izgovoreno. "(Piter Drucker)

Gold - Wisdom

"Measure of success does not consist in whether you can deal with difficult problems, but whether they are the same problems you had last year. (John Foster Dulles)
"Merilo uspeha ne sastoji se u tome da li možete da se nosite sa teškim problemima, već da li su to isti problemi koje ste imali i prošle godine." (John Foster Dulles)

недеља, 20. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Plait wheath is much easier than for him to find a decent head." (Gete)

"Splesti venac mnogo je lakše nego za njega naći dostojnu glavu." (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Abuses are the arguments of those who are wrong." (Ruso)
"Psovke su argumenti onih koji nisu u pravu." (Ruso)

субота, 19. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"In any case, it is better to look at life in a play then a play in life." (Branislav Nušić)
"U svakom slučaju, bolje je gledati život u pozorišnom komadu no pozorišni komad u životu."
(Branislav Nušić)

Gold - Wisdom

"Life should not be a novel that happened to us, but a novel of our own making." (Novalis)

"Život ne treba da bude roman koji nam se desio, nego roman koji smo sami stvorili." (Novalis)

петак, 18. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The most dangerous half-truth is that almost always trust the wrong half."  (Hans Krajlshajmer)

"Najopasnije kod poluistina je to što se gotovo uvek veruje pogrešnoj polovini." (Hans Krajlshajmer)

Gold - Wisdom

"If we want to build a lasting friendship, you should love your friends about them, not because of us."
(Šarlota Bronte)
"Ako hoćemo da izgradimo trajno prijateljstvo, trebalo bi da volimo prijatelje zbog njih, a ne zbog nas."
(Šarlota Bronte)

четвртак, 17. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Women were not created to be understood, but to be loved." (Parker)

"Žene nisu stvorene da bi bile shvaćene, već da bi bile voljene."(Parker)

Gold - Wisdom

"It is harder to hide feelings that we have, rather than pretend that we do not feelings. (Stendal)
"Teže je prikrivati osećanja koja imamo, nego glumiti osećanja koja nemamo." (Stendal)

среда, 16. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Biggest winner is the one who knows how to win without fighting." ( Lao Ce)

"Najveći je osvajač onaj koji zna pobediti bez borbe." (Lao Ce )

Gold - Wisdom

"It seems a little odd that others are stealing time are those who have it most." (Ante Dukić)

"Izgleda malo čudno da drugima kradu vreme baš oni koji ga najviše imaju." (Ante Dukić)

уторак, 15. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is strange how little it takes to be happy and even stranger that we often just a bit lacking." ( I. Andrić)

"Čudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo srećni i još čudnije kako često nam baš to malo nedostaje."
(I. Andrić)

Gold - Wisdom

"Grains of sand make mountains, moments make the year a little things all my life." (Ž.B.P. Molijer)

"Zrnca peska čine planine, trenuci čine godine a sitnice ceo život" (Ž.B.P: Molijer)

понедељак, 14. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Be obedient and work on their own." (P. Bak)

"Budi poslušna i radi po svom" (P. Bak)

Gold - Wisdom

"The archaelogist is best husband any woman can have as she is older, he is more interested in her."
(Agata Kristi)
"Arheolog je najbolji suprug kojeg žena može imati što je ona starija, to se on više zanima za nju." (Agata Kristi)

недеља, 13. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"One he wants to improve society, to begin its own." (Arne Garbord)

"Onaj ko želi popraviti društvo, treba da počne od sebe" (Arne Garborg)

Gold - Wisdom

"He keeps his motto: The best rowing elbow." (Grigor Vitez)

"On se drži svoga gesla: Najbolje se laktom vesla." (Grigor Vitez)

субота, 12. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Refrain from criticizing even the best intentions, it is easy to hurt people, and to correct them, impossible.
"Uzdržite se od kritikovanja čak i u dobroj nameri, jer raniti ljude lako je, a ispravljati ih, nemoguće."

Gold - Wisdom

"Thank goodness the contact is concluded; we must now find a way how we are going to break."
(Karel Čapek)
"Hvala bogu ugovor je sklopljen; sada moramo pronaći način kako ćemo ga kršiti." (Karel Čapek)

петак, 11. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is unfortunate when a man does not know what he want, and when a disaster does not know what can."
(J. Dučić)
"Velika je nesreća kad čovek ne zna šta hoće, a prava katastrofa kad ne zna šta može." (J. Dučić )

Gold - Wisdom

"Property is a trap that we believe that we possess, it possess us." ( Balzak)

"Svojina je zamka ono što verujemo da mi posedujemo, to poseduje nas. "(Balzak)

четвртак, 10. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Man always want to be the first love of a woman. It is their innate vanity. Women are sophisticated: they want to be their last love." (O. Vajld)
"Muškarci uvek žele da budu prva ljubav žene. To je njihova urođena taština. Žene su prefinjenije: one žele da budu njihova poslednja ljubav." (O. Vajld)

Gold - Wisdom

"Youth is happy age when a man begins to believe in himself and has not ceased to trust others." ( I. Andrić)
"Mladost je srećno doba u kome čovek počinje da veruje u sebe a još nije prestao da veruje drugima."
(I. Andrić)

среда, 9. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"With politics as with lauguage and spelling: mistakes that everyone makes become the rule." ( Malro )

"Sa politikom je kao i sa jezičkim pravopisom: greške koje svi prave postanu pravilo." ( Malro )

Gold - Wisdom

"There are two ways to elevate a man: and his own skill or stupidity of others." (Babelj)

"Potoje dva načina  da se čovek uzdigne: ili svojom sopstvenom veštinom ili glupošću drugih"(Babelj)

уторак, 8. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"A genius is one who solves the problems that we never knew existed." (Gras)
"Genije je onaj koji rešava probleme za koje uopšte nismo znali da postoje."(Gras)

Gold - Wisdom

"The exsperience is just as useful as a lottery ticket after the draw." (Nesin)

"Iskustvo je isto toliko korisno koliko i srećka posle izvlačenja."(Nesin)

понедељак, 7. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"History repeats itself, but each time more and more cosly." (V. Čerčil)

'Istorija se ponavlja, ali svaki put sve više košta." (V. Čerčil)

Gold - Wisdom

"If woman ruled the world affairs would ban all weapons - except the language." (K. Tuholski)
"Kad bi žene vladale svetskim poslovima ukinule bi sva oružja - osim jezika." (K. Tuholski)

недеља, 6. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"If we had to study all the laws we do not have time to violate them. (Gete)

"Kad bismo morali sve zakone proučavati ne bismo imali vremena da ih kršimo" (Gete)

Gold - Wisdom

"Win bad habits can a man just today, not tomorrow." (Konfucije)

"Pobediti loše navike može čovek samo danas, a ne sutra" (Konfucije)

субота, 5. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"It is know to censor, censor what excites him." (Pover)
"Poznato je da cenzor cenzuriše ono što ga uzbuđuje."(Pover)

Gold - Wisdom

"Bellieve all older, middle - aged suspect everything, the joung know everything." (Brando)
"Stariji veruje u sve, ljudi srednjih godina sumnjaju u sve a mladi znaju sve."(Brando)

петак, 4. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Women can neither of which make three of them things: a hat, a salad, and a fight." (Saša Gitri)
"Žena može da ni od čega napravi tri stvari: šešir, salatu i svađu."(Saša Gitri)

Gold - Wisdom

"Man who makes a mistake and does not correct it right the second error." (Konfucije)
"Čovek koji napravi grešku i ne ispravi je, pravi drugu grešku." (Konfucije)

четвртак, 3. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

""Maintly three of people do not understand the law: those who make them, those who implement them and those who suffer because they violated." ( Antun Gustav Matoš)
"Uglavnom tri vrste ljudi ne razume zakone: oni koji ih stvaraju, oni koji ih provode i oni koji trpe jer su ih prekršili." (Antun Gustav Matoš)

Gold - Wisdom

"Life is drawing in which you can not use the eraser." (Bergman)
"Život je crtanje u kome ne možete da upotrebite gumicu za brisanje." ( Bergman)

среда, 2. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Love is state in which man sees things as they are not. ( F. Niče)
"Ljubav je stanje u kom čovek vidi stvari onakvima kakve one nisu." (F. Niče)

Gold - Wisdom

"All people can not be rich and famous, but every one can be good." (Konfucije)
"Svi ljudi ne mogu biti bogati i poznati, ali svi mogu biti dobri." ( Konfucije)

уторак, 1. мај 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Knowledge is the only instrument of production that  is not subject to diminishing returns." ( Klark)

"Znanje je jedini instrument proizvodnje koji ne podleže opadajućim prinosima ." (Klark)

Gold - Wisdom

"Duty is what we expect from others." (Vajld)

"Dužnost je ono što očekujemo od drugih." (Vajld)


понедељак, 30. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

'Do not get married for money. You can always cheaper to borrow." ( ZZ Gabor)
"Nemoj se venčavati radi novca. Uvek možeš jeftinije da ga pozajmiš." (ZZ Gabor)

Gold - Wisdom

"If you solve all the problems of their children, they will have other problems than you."( D. Radović)
"Ako rešite sve probleme svoje dece, ona neće imati drugih problema sem vas." (D.Radović)

недеља, 29. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Before enyone had to be famous to be able to allow himself a scandal, a scandal is now needed in order to become famous." (Ševalije)
"Pre je neko morao da bude slavan da bi mogao sebi da dozvoli skandal, danas je potreban skandal da bi neko postao slavan."(Ševalije)

Gold - Wisdom

"Only one thing worse than gossip, not be talked about." (Miksat)
"Samo je jedna stvar gora od ogovaranja, ne biti ogovaran." ( Miksat)

субота, 28. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I appreciate much more powerful and subtle fragance than money. It harder to evaporate. (M. Morgan)
"Mnogo više cenim jak i fin parfem nego novac. On teže ispari. "(M. Morgan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Who will not when you can, could not when you be wanted." (F. Rable)
" Ko neće  kad može, neće moći kad bude hteo." ( F. Rable)

петак, 27. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Women, without which one can not live, sometimes it's the same with which one can not live." (Š.Boaje)
"Žena bez koje se ne može živeti, ponekad je ona ista sa kojom se ne može živeti." (Š Boaje)

Gold - Wisdom

"Women are like modernist paintings: who want to love them, not to try to understand them." (B. Houp)
"Žene su kao modernističke slike: ko hoće da ih voli, ne sme pokušavati da ih shvati."(B. Houp)

четвртак, 26. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Beautiful women never doubt his intelligence, but intelligent women still doubt its beauty." ( I. Dankan)
"Lepe žene nikad ne sumnjaju u svoju inteligenciju, ali inteligentne žene uvek sumnjaju u svoju lepotu."(I. Dankan)

Gold - Wisdom

"Beautiful women are only a week of good, good women are all beautiful life." (Ž. Gaben)
"Lepe žene su samo nedelju dana dobre, dobre žene su celog života lepe." ( Ž. Gaben )

среда, 25. април 2012.


Is there romance in the World?  What is it romantic?  Then and Now.
Da li u Svetu postoji romantika?  Šta je to romantično?  Nekad i Sad.

Gold - Wisdom

"Great men are great only because we are on your knees: Then let us stand." (Anonim)

"Velikani su veliki samo zato što smo mi na kolenima: Ustanimo dakle ." (Anonim)

Gold - Wisdom

"We constantly talk and nothing says, it has always been the greatest virtue of speakers." (Platen)
"Neprestano govoriti a da se ništa ne kaže, to je oduvek bila najveća vrlina govornika."(Platen)

уторак, 24. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Want to sowing the following year - Sow seeds. Do you  fruits for five to ten years - Plant a tree. If you want the fruits all your life - Grown relationships between people." ( Kineska poslovica)
"Želiš li setvu sledeće godine - Posej seme . Želiš li plodove za pet do deset godina - Zasadi drvo. Ako pak želiš plodove celoga života - Uzgajaj međuljudske odnose." (Kineska poslovica)

Gold - Wisdom

"A true friends is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." (Nepoznat autor)

"Pravi prijatelj je osoba koja zna sve o vama, a i dalje vas voli." (Nepoznat autor)

понедељак, 23. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"When a friend borow $5, and he never appears in your house, know that this is money well spent." (Pol Geti)
"Kada prijatelju pozajmiš 5 dolara, a on se više nikada ne pojavi u tvojoj kući, znaj da je to dobro uložen novac." (Pol Geti)

Gold - Wisdom

"Some women are like lit cigarette: if they do not grab the right side, you'll get burned." (Tuholski)

"Neke žene su kao upaljena cigareta: ako ih ne uhvatite sa prave strane, opeći ćete se."(Tuholski)

недеља, 22. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Gold is not caught rust, but it is catching rust" (Grigor Vitez)

"Zlata se rđa ne hvata, ali ga se hvataju rđe" (Grigor Vitez)

Gold - Wisdom

"Golden time is called the time when gold was not at all" (Karl Dosi)
"Zlatnim vremenom nazivalo se ono doba kad zlata uopšte nije bilo"(Karl Dosi)

субота, 21. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Well the last laugh, so at least you have the time to realize what a joke." (Katajev)

"Dobro je smejati se poslednji: tako bar imate vremena da shvatite u čemu je vic." (Katajev)

Gold - Wisdom

"If the laws could speak for themselves, first complained to the lawyers." (Halifaks)

"Kad bi zakoni mogli govoriti sami za sebe, prvo bi se potužili na pravnike."(Halifaks)

петак, 20. април 2012.


Breskva u cvetu

Gold - Wisdom

"What we can say suppresed, but what we say we can not remain silent." ( Italijanska poslovica)

"Ono što smo prećutali možemo da kažemo, ali ono što smo rekli ne možemo da prećutimo."(Italijanska poslovica)

Gold - Wisdom

"Gratitude is one of those things that can not be bought." (Halifaks)

"Zahvalnost je jedna od onih stvari koje se ne mogu kupiti." (Halifaks)

четвртак, 19. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Experience is not what happens to us, that's what we do with what happens to us." (A. Haksli)

"Iskustvo nije ono što nam se događa, to je ono što činimo s onim što nam se događa." (A. Haksli)

Gold - Wisdom

"Good to have what you want, but there is nothing better than what we want you." (Menedem)

"Dobro je imati ono što želiš, ali je još bolje ništa ne želeti osim onoga što imaš" (Menedem)

среда, 18. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Not a learned person who reads the book, but one who knows what he reads." (Rumunska narodna poslovica)
"Nije učen onaj ko čita knjige, nego onaj ko zna šta čita." (Rumunska narodna poslovica)

Gold - Wisdom

"Experience no ethical values, it is just a name that people call their mistakes."(O. Vajld)
"Iskustvo nema etičke vrednosti, ono je samo ime kojim su ljudi nazvali svoje greške"(O. Vajld)

уторак, 17. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Democracy is when you not closed because you have been open."( Bulatović Vib)
"Demokratija je kad nisi zatvoren zato što si bio otvoren." ( Bulatović Vib)

Gold - Wisdom

"Marriage is one of those rare historical occurrence in which the defeated conqueror subjugates."(Branislav Nušić)
"Brak je jedna od retkih istorijskih pojava kod koje se osvajač potčinjava pobeđenome."( Branislav Nušić)

понедељак, 16. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Quality is not a story about a product, the quality of its content." (Kembel)
"Kvalitet nije priča o proizvodu, kvalitet je njegov sadržaj"(Kembel)

Gold - Wisdom

"Every new day is punishment or a reward for what we did yesterday." (Duško Radović)
"Svaki novi dan je kazna ili nagrada za ono što smo juče uradili ."  (Duško Radović)

недеља, 15. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"In school of life, unfortunately, can not be slacking." ( Prust)
"U školi života, na žalost, ne može da se zabušava."( Prust)

Gold - Wisdom

"A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing." ( O. Vajld)
"Cinik je čovek koji svemu zna cenu, a ničemu vrednost."(O. Vajld)

субота, 14. април 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"Who always speaks the truth, that can afford a bad memory" ( Teodor Hes)
"Ko uvek govori istinu, taj sebi može priuštiti loše pamćenje" (Teodor Hes)


Da li volite proleće? Do you like spring?

Gold - Wisdom

"Only someone who has fallen may provide another example of a model - how to get up again."( Arturo Graf)
"Samo onaj koji je pao može drugome pružiti uzoran primer - kako teba ponovo ustati" (Arturo Graf)

субота, 31. март 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"I prefer the inscription "No entry" rather than "No exit" ( Stanislav Ježi Lec)
"Više volim natpis "Zabranjen ulaz" nego " Izlaza nema"." (Stanislav Ježi Lec)

Gold - Wisdom

"It's not nice what is nice, but is nice what we like."(Italijanska narodna poslovica)
"Nije lepo ono što je lepo, već je lepo ono što nam se sviđa."(Italijanska narodna poslovica)

Question - Pitanje

What do you think of my blog?
Šta mislite o mom blogu?

петак, 30. март 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"If a woman finds a lover, then it is possible for two reasons: or the sieve of her husband or not."(Likok)

"Ako žena nađe ljubavnika, onda su tu moguća dva razloga: ili je sita svog muža ili nije"(Likok)

Gold - Wisdom

"Some speak what they know and they know what they say to each."(Rumunska narodna poslovica)
"Jedni govore šta znaju, a jedni znaju šta govore." (Rumunska narodna poslovica)

Gold- Wisdom

"Politics, it is an art to take money from the rich and the voices of poor on the prefex that you protect each other."(Perpit)
"Politika, to je veština uzimati od bogatih novac, a od sirotih glasove pod izgovorom, da ćeš štititi jedne od drugih." (Perpit)


Have a nice day  Uspešan dan želim

четвртак, 29. март 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"The best thing I can do is to convey the enthusiasm of associates." ( Bill Gates)
"Najbolje što umem da radim jeste da prenosim entuzijazam na saradnike."(Bill Gates)

Gold - Wisdom

"Tips are worn as clothing:  are not used to like, even if a very good fit." (Vajler)
"Saveti su kao iznošena odela: ne upotrebljavaju se rado čak i ako vrlo dobro pristaju."(Vajler)

Gold - Wisdom

"World requires women, we order the world, and we women." (Katon)
"Svet naređuje ženama, mi naređujemo svetu, a nama žene."(Каton)

среда, 28. март 2012.

Gold - Wisdom

"What leads the are pulling locomotives, but ideas." (Li)
" Ono što vodi i vuče svet nisu lokomotive, nego ideje ."(Li)

Gold - Wisdom

" Man can do anything against the old, but it must be fought tooth and nail not to lapse." (Mom)
"Čovek ne može da učini ništa protiv toga što stari, ali se mora svim silama boriti da ne zastari."(Mom)

Gold - Wisdom

"Mud can dirty diamonds, but can not turn them into mud." (Tagore)
"Blato može da uprlja dijamante, ali ne može da ih pretvori u blato." (Tagore)


Have a nice day
Uspešan dan želim